
Is Macbeth Innocent Or Guilty

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Are babies born innocent or guilty? Background. Summary. The hands of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth transition from clean and innocent to dirty and filled with guilt to highlight the thematic element that hands are instruments of death.
The first time the motif of hands is introduced is when Macbeth prepares to host King Duncan. To prepare, he must look the part: innocent and clean. He does this in order to appear loyal and respectable. Lady Macbeth orders Macbeth, “your hand, your tongue: look like an innocent flower\ But be the serpent undern’t.”(1.5.64-65). Here, the word hand implies that his appeareance must be innocent. Hands are the outward manifestation of evil. Thus, in this first Act, the hands are devoid of jealousy or murderous intent. …show more content…

In his hallucination, he sees a floating dagger. Macbeth vexingly says, “Is this a dagger which I see before me\ The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee. (33-34) In these massively famous lines, Macbeths hands are ready to take the dagger and commit the murder. Clearly, he is morally confused. His hands have determined the journey he has taken to the darkest of guilt. Soon after in Act 2, scene 2 he has murdered the King, Duncan. Lady Macbeth orders Macbeth to “Go get some water and wash this filthiness\ from your hand” (46-47). Notably, his hands are now covered with Duncan’s blood. This is a turning point of the downfall of Macbeth. Without his hands, his instruments of evil, he would not have been able to perform the murder. Now covered in blood, his hands are full of guilt, and his soul is

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