
Is Odysseus A Hero

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Odysseus: Is He Really a Hero?
Philip Zimbardo, a psychologist said, “I'm saying to be a hero it means you step across the line and are willing to make a sacrifice, so heroes always are making a sacrifice.” In The Odyssey, an epic poem written around 700 B.C. by Homer, a main character named Odysseus attempts to reach hero status. Odysseus does not have the heroic qualities that Zimbardo believes make a great hero. However, Odysseus is close to reaching hero status through his strong instincts, but his selfish and disloyal behavior prevents him from becoming a true hero.
Odysseus is close to reaching the title of hero due to the quick thinking that allowed him and his crew to reach safety. Odysseus’ heroism can be seen when he immediately …show more content…

110-112). Odysseus’ strong instincts are exemplified by his actions done in the heat of the moment to prevent his men from losing all memories of home. He saved his crew from eternity of being trapped in the Land of the Lotus …show more content…

In order to call her before Odysseus leave to go back home he tells her, “Look at my wise Penelope. She falls far short of you, your beauty, stature, she is mortal after all” (Homer 5. 239-240). Odysseus is stating how is wife is nothing compared to the goddess. Odysseus does not want to leave the goddesses to go home to his wife. After his conversation with Calypso, Odysseus decides that it would be good to sleep with Calypso. While he was on his journey,Odysseus had affairs with other women, not just Calypso. However when he stayed at Calypso's Island, he had multiple sexual encounters with her despite his marriage to Penelope. Odysseus and Calypso make love one last time after receiving the news from Mt. Olympus that it is time for Odysseus to leave. Homer says, “And now, withdrawing into the cavern’s deep recesses, long in each other’s arms they lost themselves in love” (Homer 5.250-251). Odysseus is unfaithful to Penelope by sleeping with women on his journey home, while Penelope has remained loyal for seventeen years despite the pressure from the suitors as well as others. Odysseus good heroic quality does not overtake his characteristics of not becoming a heroic

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