
Is Our Security More Important Than Our Privacy?

Decent Essays

Security and privacy is a huge debate all throughout our country. Is our security more important than our privacy? 56% of americans say that security is more important. If there is an attack on our country our internet history is not going to save us the National Government will. We just do not don't have weapons to protect us we also have peaceful organizations to help us out. Homeland security protect against terrorist attacks and other threats against our homeland, preparing and planning for emergencies, and investing in strong response and recovery capabilities. An organization may make cyber attacks on certain civilians civilians and guns cannot protect against that. How will the internet protect us? Exactly it cannot!

If there is an attack on our country our internet history is not going to save us the National Government will. The National Government is going to be the thing that is going to save us not something that can only damage your reputation. Mr. Jim Talent in the article, " A Constitutional Basis for defense " makes a statement that says,. "Article One, Section Eight of the Constitution lists 17 separate powers that are granted to the Congress. Six of those …show more content…

The president's priority is to protect the people of the United States. In an article on the White House website on an article about national security the author states, "The National Security Strategy, released May 27, 2010, lays out a strategic approach for advancing American interests, including the security of the American people, a growing U.S. economy, support for our values, and an international order that can address 21st century challenges." There also may be cons to having proper and sufficient security for our country. Homeland security has many other ways of dealing with

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