
Is Physician Assisted Suicide Right Or Wrong Essay

Decent Essays

I. Introduction
A. Is Physician Assisted Suicide, right or wrong? Some debate that PAS is ethically permissible for the dying individual who chose to end their life and this is, in fact, the physician duty to alleviate the patient’s suffering. Induvial anatomy accounts for a great deal of those arguments. It recognizes the right of competent people to choose the timing and manner of their death when faced with their terminal illness.
B. Is Physician assisted suicide the answer? The anwser depends on each individual’s case. Is it a legal issue? Is it an issue of patient’s right? A social issue? An ethical or moral issue? Or an induvial case? How about all of the above. In physician assisted sucide, medical help is provided to enable a patient …show more content…

The economics of treating a terminally ill patient is normally at an astronomical cost and the problem is that the patient will eventually die. Comparing the costs and the benefits of Physician assisted suicide, it is acceptable to say that the benefits far outweigh the costs.

IV. Who can request PAS
A. Eligibility
1. Patients must be a resident of California, Oregon, Vermont, Montana, Washington, and Colorado. Patients must be at least eighteen years of age.
2. Patient must be diagnosed with a terminal illness that will lead to death in six months. At the time of final PAS, patients must be able to take prescribed medication by themselves.
B. Mentally Competent
1. Capable of making their own decisions.
2. In the United States, mentally ill patients cannot request PAS.
V. Conclusion
A. Terminally ill patients face a predicament on how to live their last days.
B. There are many ethical reasons that oppose PAS similarly there are ethical reasons supporting the procedure. Some of these ethical reasons include liberty interest, dignity in death, cost benefit analysis and proper legislation to guide the already prevalent practices.
C. The right to assisted suicide must be freely bestowed upon those who are terminally ill. This right would allow them to leave this earth with dignity, save their families from financial ruin, and relieve them of insufferable

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