
Is Pluto A Planet

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Did you know Pluto’s not a planet? Pluto is a dwarf planet. The astronomers are going to find out how Pluto became a dwarf planet.

First of all Pluto had already been voted off the charts. It is a ice covered world that is now not a actual planet. The proposal last week would have kept Pluto a planet though, it might upgrade Charon to a planet in its own rights. They have finally found out there is only eight planets in our solar system.

Secondly,what is pluto,a planet,a planet oid or a comet? The outward-bound voyager one and two spacecraft were both launched in 1977,which started the drama about Pluto. Pluto is twice the size of Ceres and the largest known asteroid.

So, Pluto is no longer a planet. Pluto is a dwarf

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