President Obama, in my opinion, is not a good presidential candidate. He handles important matters wrong or he comes up with the simplest answer. As the article says he “speaks in the hoariest of cliches.” He uses the oldest excuses or gives the same speeches. He does not think for himself. His teleprompter gives him everything he needs to say. It gives the people what they need to hear and it never tells the whole story, much like the news. For him to be a good president, I feel he would have to be able to speak for himself. He needs to be able to handle difficult situations. If he can not take responsibility for mistakes, especially on his part, he should not be in any type of business, let alone president of The United States of America.
Many would agree that it is far too soon to determine President Obama’s place in history. As Nate Silvers mentioned, “second-term presidents may be ridiculed as lame ducks, but it is often doing the second term reputations are won or lost.” The reasoning behind that may be because most presidents suffer from a deadly infection known as the second-term curse. The second-term curse is the tendency of second-terms presidents of the United States to be less successful than their first terms; as a result of some scandal, some sort of calamity, or additional difficulties. According to Nate Silvers, President Obama is doing well so far. First, President Obama won a second-term, something only about half of the men to serve as presidents have done
George .W. Bush and Barrack Obama two of America’s great presidents, both filled with their individual ambitions and charisma. These prominent presidents have ruled the most powerful country in the world using their different strategies and policies. George Bush, a republican was the 43rd president of America had two terms in power (cite). On the other hand Barrack Obama the first black president of America and a democrat was his successor. He is known for his charisma. Notwithstanding, their various good leadership skills and the criticisms, Obama has been a better and more successful president United States than George Bush. Despite the fact that his presidency being criticized for being a failure he has done a good job so far. Obama is showing promise in his policies trying fix the problems that were created by past American presidents in terms of handling the domestic and foreign policies.
He is not only uncontrollable, but he is worse than every other president. President Obama exhibited being uncontrollable and unconstitutional relating to budgets and their deadlines but also has been remarkably worse in comparison to every other president, making him even more dictatoresque.
From the beginning of his speech he states “I want a man who…”. He repeats this phrase several times to get the point across of how deeply President Obama feels for not only the United States but every individual of the United States. He uses this to convince the audience that everything that drives President Obama is the heart and soul he has for the American people. How his main goal is for the advancement of not just one person or one race of the people but everyone; no matter what you are or how you live your life he wants you to feel he wants what is best for you. This strategy was very effective and it allowed for the connection to be made between President Obama and the American
President Obama in my opinion is one of the worst president's to ever step in office. Obama who was born in born August 4, 1961, he is the 44th and current president of the United States. Obama in my opinion can't keep the promise's that he makes. Obama promised to keep the unemployment rate under 8% and making it seem a failure though the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said it saved more than 3 million jobs and prevented a double-digit jobless rate. Obama is forcing american's to have health care not all american's can afford healthcare. They also voted on the Obamacare and people hated it but we ended up being forced to get it anyway and for the people that can't afford it get punished by having to pay a fine for not having it. Obama is not a strong leader at all he has driven us so far in debt that it is unreal. To me obama doesnt seem devoted at all how can you make a health care plan and pretty much tell people if there over 75 there just out of luck for health care in my opinion that is sad. Obama does not take credit for his actions , when he fails to keep his promises he points the finge at somebody else instead of taking responsibility for it. When the United States went into a goverment shut down instead of Obama and standing up and being a leader and figuring out a solution the shut down continued for
Presidents Great and Bad Americas great Presidents include Washington, Lincoln, and Roosevelt and why their place in History, as well they earned the title. Washington self sacrifice for his nation in war and the politic arena, resulting, in a strong nation. The president is giving his life for the nation, as well as fighting in uniting a nation; President Lincoln in fighting the civil war brought a nation under one flag. Roosevelt fought for the average man by instituting social Security, welfare and public works projects, as well as fighting two wars at one time.
I remember when President Obama was first elected while I was in the 5th grade and many do not truly understand how he has positively impacted Americans in many different way. He is essentially the first president that I grew up with while understanding American Politics. He grew as a role model to many minorities who have long believed that there would never be an African American President. He brought hope, change, and prosperity to a country that was nearing a recession when he attained the presidency. Many have repetitively treated President Obama with contempt, racism disrespect by questioning his citizenship, faith, and love for the great country. 8 1/2 months into his first term President Obama was delivering a nationally televised
There was three ways “A Dream Fulfilled: The Story Barack Obama” impressed me. One way he impressed me, was how he handle being biracial at the time period of the civil rights movement. Barack having a Kenyan Father and a White American Mother during the middle of the civil rights movement. For example, the book describes Barack resist being a racist himself because at this time everyone is pointing fingers at each other. He stays clear and still be accepting to other. Another way he impressed me, that he’s genuinely wants to help people. He was just in it to become president for selfish reasons. For example, he was a community organizer. The job has low pay and work with stubborn people. He accepted this job because he truly wanted to help
President Obama has been a bad president in the facet of war because during his term he did not do the American people justice in the war due to his lack of consistency with policies. When Obama came into office he said that there would be no boots on the ground, but he lied and put troops on foreign ground. According to CBS News, Obama stated “We will not involve American combat troops fighting on foreign soil." This sounds odd considering that CBS also states that 1,100 United States troops have returned to Iraq, and more may be necessary. Obama cannot handle the responsibility of commanding the US armed there will be unnecessary casualties.
Have you ever wondered what the president's promised us?Well president Barack Obama promised to help improve this country .He helped U.S citizens get affordable health care. Obama states all the problems our nation is having and how we will strengthen them and improve our country.George washington says he wants to help impove the government. He says that our new free government is better than other governments, it shows this by winning the hearts of its citizens and respect of the world.He also says that he wants to make a new and free government that can’t be compared to other governments .
Former President George H.W. Bush once said that his son, George W. Bush, “faced the greatest challenge of any President since Abraham Lincoln.” The challenge that this statement refers to is the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and Flight 93 on September 11, 2001, known worldwide as 9/11. George W. Bush’s responses to the attack included a global “War on Terrorism,” the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, and the U.S. led wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, rendering him a wartime President. Before these significant events, George W. Bush started as a businessman before launching his political career, similar to his father and grandfather. George W. Bush also spent a period of time serving in the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War. After his service, George W. Bush worked in the oil industry, like his father had. He eventually became Governor of Texas after
President Barack Obama will be seen as one of “the great presidents” by Historians. President Obama’s presidency will be seen as Historic because he was the first African American President. He served four years and was reelected for a second term with a high number of votes. He will be seen as great for his important accomplishment with the economy, healthcare, national and international leadership and more.
The candidate that I have chosen is the latest and to my belief the most interesting to study and witness, I have chosen the current president, President Trump as my essay topic. As follows I will state the reasons in which I think he won the White House. I would to state before this I'm very bias to one side of the aisle and have very strong feeling towards my candidate as I'm sure this essay will show.
President Barack Obama did many things to get to the positions he is at now.” Obama himself struggled with his mixed-race identity and sought to figure out how he fit in with the rest of the world”(Source B). He also had many problems growing up and many complications to get through school since he didn’t have much money. But Obama showed great appreciation for the things he had. He went out in his community becoming a great leader. Not only did he go out in his community and be a leader, But he showed great leadership, as a senate and as a president.Barack Obama was more than just an ordinary President, but he showed great leadership, hard work and cared for others than himself.
Barack Obama has a strong desire to influence and lead others. In 2012 re-election, Obama has said "I guarantee you, we will move this country forward," (“Barack Obama Biography,” n.d.). This proves that he is willing to bear the responsibilities to lead the others.