
Is Race Biologically Real Essay

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Is Race Biologically Real? People often use the meaning of “race” like a sticker; race is defined by skin color, eyes and body shape, hair texture and facial features. However, there are no genetic markers which will prove that one race is different than another. The concept of race isn’t biologically real but “race” it’s a method to divide a group from another one. Race doesn’t have any genetic basis. There is no genetic characteristic such as; gene or feature to tell the differences between humans. In other words, the race isn’t biologically real because there is no scientific evidence which can prove that race is biologically real because there is no ‘genetic markers’ evidence-which cannot be denoted that one particular group is different than other.
To illustrate, in the ‘lab class’ according to the “"Race: The Power of an Illusion” generally speaking about DNA workshop. Scott Bronson proposed to take a sample; students were taking DNA samples which …show more content…

Many years ago people weren’t divided by “race” but were divided by their religion, language, and status. We are all one ‘race’ because we are very similar to each other. The scientists could not find any explanation or DNA evidence to convince us that there are differences between ‘races’-group of people, therefore ‘biological race’ is not real which leads people to the conclusion that is just a myth. Human variation is very complex we aren’t alike; different hair texture, eye shape, and skin color but we are one ‘race.’ Racism takes potentially an idea of ‘race’ because it is used to separate one group from other; even if we don’t share the same languages, customs or cultures we aren’t that diverse ‘human variation/genetic markers’ with each other. Indeed, no matter how we see each other and we nor approve or disapprove the idea of race; we are all ‘one

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