
Is Science to Blame Essay

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Is Science to Blame

Science has played an important role in the American culture. One way or another it has transformed our way of living and our way of thinking towards human beings and nature. Science has been blamed for its new science inventions due to causing harm to individuals or the environment. As we are aware, science can have many benefits towards the health and environment, but at the same time there are consequences if new science ideas are not properly handled under the hands of the scientist or us, the individual.

No doubt, science has provided many solutions to our unanswered questions and has removed our fears. J.Michael Bishop explains in his essay “Enemies of Promise” “science is the art of the possible, of the …show more content…

We have to understand that science is a process that deals with time and lots of research. In order to have adequate results in science, meaning not to have harm on any of the individuals or the environment, precautions need to be met. Also, when science is possessed into the consumer’s hands, that person needs to have precautions by not misusing science or by not taking advantage for how it should be consumed.

Many critics have been against the foreplay of science due to the danger effect found in the failures of science. Bishop argues, “Resistance to science is born of fear” (241). How can we achieve a certain cure without science? Or how can we find a solution to one of America’s biggest problem? Science needs to be introduced to scientist and be accepted by individuals. Perhaps why many individuals fear science is due to them not understanding the process of its development as a source to benefit the individuals who seek a solution for the better.

Yet, science has given us uncertainties due to the wrong play of science. Either the wrong play is performed by ignorant scientists who only seek recognition for their work or wrong play by ignorant Americans who mistreat the use of science. Bishop argues that the blame should not be focused upon those scientists rather on Americans. Bishop’s example, “Science has documented the medical risks of addiction of tobacco, yet our federal government still spends large amounts of money subsidizing the tobacco industry”

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