It is often said, that the presumptions of negatives and positives impacts of technology is bigger than one may believe as technology is used in everyday life throughout the nation. Nicholas Carr argues that technology is a negative impact of human’s minds because such resources like “google” is making society stupid due to the fact that one’s cognition is diminished. On the other hand, Clive Thompson shares different conclusions that acknowledge technology as positive aspect of new forms of human cognition and boosts our cognitive abilities, which is making us smarter, more productive and
Technology nowadays always use to have so much information at our fingertips, but is this a good thing? That is what Jamais Cascio’s “Get Smarter” and Nicholas Carr’s “Is Google Making Us Stoopid?” both discuss; they specifically address the effects that new technology, such as the internet, has on the way humans think. The difference is that Carr argues that this new technology is making us stupid while Cascio argues that it is making us smarter. Nicholas Carr’s article discusses the negative effects of the internet and technology like it. It specifically mentions slight changes in the way people do things because of the influence of technology and gives many historical and anecdotal examples. Jamais Cascio’s article is about the advancements of technology and how it is makes people smarter. Cascio talks about Twitter, mental enhancement drugs and AIs, focusing a lot on the benefits of the advancements.
Over history technology has changed mankind’s overall culture. From clocks to computers the use of electronics and tools is occurring every day in almost all situations. In Carr’s article “Is Google Making us Stupid?” he introduces the idea how the internet is changing our lives by making us mentally process information differently from the past, based off previous changes in history. Carr explains how we think less deeply and rely on quick facts, versus using critical thinking and research. Also he explains how our brain is malleable, and may be changed by the internet’s impression. Lastly Carr talks about what the
Clive Thompson’s “Smarter Than You Think” reflects upon the idea that technology is her to help us more than we think, rather than the popular belief that technology is ruining the way we think. Thompson believes that the pair between human and technology is making us smarter. Along with that, our minds are slowly adapting to the use of technology, advancing our thinking. Lastly, the relationship between technology and human, has brought humanity closer than ever with the ability to communicate with anyone, anywhere, at any time. Clive Thomason believes the stronger the bond between humans and technology, the smarter we can become; I also alongside with Thompson believe this is true, and if so us as humans need to embrace the use of
Humans are becoming more technologically-efficient every day. New inventions and innovations are constantly being made. The Internet is becoming more “reliable” every day. However, how much do we really get from the constant advancement of Internet use and smarter technology? Should we look at their contributions to the world as a benefactor or a curse? The common effect of “artificial intelligence” in the technology we use every day is examined by two brilliant authors, Nicholas Carr and Jamias Cascio. In Carr’s article, “Is Google Making Us Stupid”, he explains the effects of the Internet and technology in our society and claims that the overuse of technology is dangerous and can affect how our mind operates. Jamias Cascio, on the other
The advancement of technology emblematizes humanity’s intelligence and capacity to conceptualize what has not been done before, expand humanity’s capability, and strive to improve the place we inhabit. We sometimes fear the advancement of technology because it’s new and “uncharted territory”. Technology undeniably and unarguably defines our world, and choosing to hide from technology and the role it plays in our world, only hinders the leadership capabilities of those who will soon lead this nation. Nicholas Carr, in “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”, describes how technology changes how we think, and consequently, the way we learn and process new information.
Many years ago, people used to spend so much time trying to look up information through libraries, newspaper and books. However, since the evolution of the Internet started, everything has changed. Nowadays people rely on the internet or Google for almost everything, but is this considered a good thing or a bad thing? Well, that’s where the controversy erupts. Some people believe that Google is making us stupid, while others believe the opposite. In Nicholas Carr's article ‘’Is Google making us stupid?’’, Carr is one of a small group of people who believes that Google is making us stupid (adj cl) Carr's main argument is that the Internet might have detrimental effects on cognition that diminish the capacity for concentration and contemplation(voc). However, the main point of the article is not only about Google specifically but also the impact of the Internet in general. Carr’s wants to inform the whole world that the internet has many disadvantages that contribute in changing the way our brain functions (adj cl). However, I think his research needs more significant evidence to support his suggestions, beyond his research on a small portion of people. For all of that, I don’t agree with Carr’s opinion that Google is affecting us intellectually. Moreover, I believe that Google is the best thing that humans ever created because it provided us with a lot of benefits that people should take advantage
The technology has positive effects on our brains by providing the latest and sufficient information that we all need for every purposes. The use of technology really save our time and not much of using our brain anymore. Nicholas Carr had stated that, “Certainly if you had all the world’s information directly attached to you brains… you’d be better off” (62). Rather than spending our time brainstorming and stressing out our brains, using the internet to complete any assignments make it a
Technology, it is found commonplace everywhere you go, and whether it can atone for the lack of socialism found commonly in today's society is being questioned. However, this question isn’t as lucid as some may make it. So what is being social exactly? Being social is the act of people spending time talking to each other or doing enjoyable things with each other. Although technology tenaciously holds society together, it can not supplant human interaction, technology makes us more alone as when we are behind a computer screen as we are not actually interacting with each other.
The invention of technology has benefited the people in many ways. With the improvements of technology, people are now able to connect with everyone from all parts of the world. The use of technology is improving one’s thinking abilities, and in addition to that, technology use can benefit the brain in many ways. Therefore, technological usage deserves to be praised instead of discredited.
Whether you are a geek, buying the latest smartphone, game console, and latest Apple products or you are just the minimalist who only has the necessary smart devices like your phone and maybe a laptop, it is undeniable that technology is making its way into every nook and cranny of modern society. Owning your own car was treated as a way to be free back in the eighties, but now owning a car is starting to become a thing of the past as companies such as UBER and Lyft are replacing taxies but making a new form of public transportation constantly available almost everywhere around the world. Even though technology has basically taken over every aspect of our lives does not mean that every person has embraced it with open arms. These days we still have an ongoing debate about whether smart devices and the internet are helping or hurting society as a whole or not. Enthusiasts on this topic tend to look at a more optimistic view on this new technological age expressing how they think that robots and artificial intelligence will change our world for the better both Kevin Kelly’s “Better than Human”, Clive Thompson’s “Smarter than You Think”, as well as Brooke Gladstone and Josh Neufeld’s “The Influencing Machines” explore. On the other hand, skeptics tend to write about how these new technologies are tainting our own capabilities and making us more dependent rather than relying on our own skills, says Nicholas Carr in his article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”. Although technology has changed many aspects of our lives we should still pay attention to how it has benefitted many aspects of our daily lives.
Do you ever find yourself relying on google? What if there was no google? Everyone is familiar with google and many individuals would start having a panic attack at the thought of no more google. We have become dependent on technology; for instance, the young generations mostly use their calculators to do every kind of math question so no brain power is needed. The truth is, technology can be compared to a gateway drug; it stimulates the brain, but more activity in the brain doesn't necessarily mean that its a good thing. Technology has rewired our brains to work a certain way, different from those who have very limited amount of internet or technology usage. In this paper, I will be arguing how using excessive amounts of technology on a daily
Modern technology has altered the ways people communicate and relate to each other. However, there are many negative effects that accompany the convenience of having everything right at your fingertips. Such negative effects impact mental and physical health, supporting the claim that technology is making modern society lazier and more alienated than in the past.
One’s environmental conditions are what condition their personality, attitude, and intelligence. In today’s world, people have adapted to the world of the technology, a world where endless amounts of information can be accessed through smartphones. However, does that make people who regularly use smartphones smarter? Not necessarily. There are several negative effects of using technology on human intelligence, such as deteriorating higher order thinking, memory, and focus. Patricia Greenfield analyzed several studies on technologies effect on that brain and eloquently summarized it for The American Association for the Advancement of Science, saying “every medium develops some cognitive skills at the expense of others.”.
The formation of technology creates new types of thinking that effects society; however, not all of these effects are all good or bad. To start off, all of the defects of technology have been portrayed through tests. “Working memory was more error prone, reaction time for simple learning tasks was shorter, and accuracy was poorer in children who used their phones a lot,” (Adriana Lee, Para 3). Also, “it suggests that frequent use of mobile phones makes kids impatient, more impulsive and less effective at certain cognitive activities,” (Carl Zimmer, Para 1). Subsequently, with the massive use of technology today, arguments go back and forth on whether it helps or makes society lazier. "If anything, these aids are helping my brain gather more information to get more answers right, and to see more possible associations than would otherwise be the case", (Stefanie Olsen, Sec. 2). She says that when we use technology for information and answers we are just using our resources wisely. Others say differently, “As we come to rely on computers to mediate our understanding of the world,” he wrote, “it is our own intelligence that flattens
The continuously advancing and changing technology in society today is a constant source of debate. Every time a new invention takes hold of society, people argue whether or not said invention is ultimately hurting or harming our brains and thought process. This debate was sparked at the invention of the book, type writer, and now with computers, phones and tablets running our lives, people are wondering the same thing. Clive Thompson gives evidence to support his claim that technology is not harming our brains, but on the contrary, humans and technology work best in tandem and will create the most successful world through working together.