
Is That The End Movie Analysis

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Is that the end? People, while watching a movie that was previously a novel they had read, often ask themselves, “Is that the end?” or “What about the part when…?” or even “I didn't read about this part.” This tends to happen a lot in the world of novels that have been created into films. Authors write books so people are interested and want to keep reading. They grab the readers attention in the beginning and leave them wanting more after each chapter. Directors do things a little differently. Sometimes every little detail in a book can be boring, so directors often eliminate unimportant or insignificant details completely when making their films. Movies are all about action, directors want the audience to be intrigued and fascinated …show more content…

Forman does an excellent job with her use of imagery for this scene. When Mia finds her dad after the crash, she describes what she sees. She is very graphic and states that she sees “gray chunks of cauliflower” all around her dad on the asphalt, which is really chunks of his brain on the road. Mia then finds her mother with “blue lips” and “the whites of her eyes red”. In the movie, she had hope that both of her parents were still alive, her dad more than her mom because just looking at her mother made it hard for her to believe she would survive where as in the book, she knew they were both dead before she found her limp self in the snow. Later in the book her mom says that if she were to die she would want her and her husband to die together which happens in the book and many people believe this should've happened in the movie as well. In the film, her dad actually makes it to the hospital and her mom was DOA. (Dead on arrival). Also in the movie, she does not even find her parents, she is too distracted by finding herself in the snow to consider looking for …show more content…

Himself and Kim make up a plan to get past the guards protecting people from entering the ICU unit. In the movie all that happens is Kim distracts the security guards and Adam makes it to Mia enough to say he was worried about her and that he wanted to reach her so badly but before you know it he is taken away by guards. Now, in the book this plan is much more elaborately portrayed. In the book, Adam and Kim try and find scrubs to disguise themselves and get to Mia that way. They realize that even if they could find scrubs, it was a stupid plan anyway. Adam rushes to come up with another plan. The next plan was for Adam to call the famous lead singer of a band which his own was scheduled to play with to distract everyone so he was able to see Mia that way. This still was not enough to distract them entirely because when he finally got to her, he was then again swept away by

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