
Is The American Dream Still Possible Essay

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America, the land of the free, and the home of the brave, where many people from different countries come to leave behind their past to start a new life with a freedom and opportunities, and to live the American Dream. But is the American dream still accessible in today’s economy. Over time, America has changed and continues to develop ranging from technology, diversity, and economy. In this day and age, it is not the same as it was back in the past where the American Dream was introduced as an easy task to achieve when people move to America. But with all these new developments and increasing prices in the economy, it seems that the American Dream is no longer that accessible for everybody. As more people come to the US in this age, …show more content…

In Wallechinsky “Is the American Dream Still Possible”, he states that “The traditional American Dream is based on the belief that hard working citizens can better their lives, pay their monthly bills without worry, give their children at a start to an even better life”. He explains how through hard work and dedication, everyone can achieve the American Dream. But this statement is too bold because of the fact that even people who work excessively every day to support their family end up not being able to withstand a good financial life. In Wallechinsky article, he interviews Simone Luevano, 46, and Miguel Gutierrez, 44, who run a garage door installation and repair business. And while the business grossed $453,000 last year, they took home only $50,000 net to live on showing that even if you work hard, living the American dream is still very hard and requires a great deal of time to accomplish which may require even generations for their families to live a good, financial, stable life. With high taxation, the deflated dollar, government regulations choking businesses and job creation, and the huge amount of national debt each child in America is born with, plus the high cost of a college education has made it increasingly less likely a generation will do as well as their parents did. The American Dream is now more difficult to achieve

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