I have not yet been confronted with the question, “Is the Bible trustworthy?”, but if someone asks me this question, I will reply yes, there is ample proof that the events in the Bible actually did happen. For example, archeology agrees with Scripture. Archeologists have found numerous Biblical items, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, chariot wheels in the Red Sea, stone inscriptions, and many other evidences that prove the Bible. Although the exact site has not been located yet, kings from surrounding nations documented Solomon’s golden kingdom in writing. A stone memorial that tells of a conflict between Moab and Israel presented in 2 Kings 3. In all, archaeology confirms the biblical accounts in more than 25,000 sites connected to biblical history.
William C. Placher states a question about whether to believe the truth of the Bible in “Is the Bible True?” He, in this article, starts by asking a question whether the Bible is true. While reading the paper, readers know that Placher actually believes the Bible is true. However, not like other authors, he does not explain to readers which particular chapter or sentence in the Bible is true, but on the other hand, he looks from the genre, the culture and the language of the Bible. In this way, he helps readers to think the authenticity of the Bible in a different aspect.
The thought of the Bible being considered a myth has changes over the years. The though went from God and Bible not being able to be considered a myth, to mythical literature being at the center of the Israelites faith. The data has not changed, instead it is the perspective of scholars. This raises a question asked by younger scholars about accepting the Bible as truth if the history surrounding it is false. The definition of myth has been broadened over recent years to include the Bible. Oswalt discusses how a myth cannot be whatever a person decides it can be. It also cannot not be too broad that it could really be very many different things.
John Oswalt, in his book The Bible Among the Myths, presents his position to the reader that the bible is different and separate from other writings of the Ancient Near East. He asserts the Bible is both historically accurate and theologically sound. He makes the defense the Bible was divinely inspired and revealed to humanity and unique from other Ancient Near East literature. There was a time when the Bible, and the Israelite religion was different from its neighboring societies. But as times have changed, many people now lump the bible with other Ancient Near East myths.
God, everyone has heard of this being, some believe in it while others don’t. Many people blindly follow or stay away from God and the holy book, but have no proof of god being real or fake. Non-believers say its fake and for people with desperate mindsets, others say the bible is there proof and that the word is god’s word. I myself am a man of religion who believes there’s a god, but my question is could the bible really be true?
I believe most convincing argument I believe is Dr. Straus’s argument that the New Testament is similar to what the original authors wrote. Dr. Straus goes on to say that there is “highly reliable manuscript evidence”. I believe that there are a lot of historians that have researched religion and whether or not God exist. This is because religion has always been a highly researched topic, so there is always updated evidence related to the topic. Additionally, there are many people who are not just religious, but they are more curious about the history of the bible. Since, religion is still a very sensitive and controversial topic today, I believe that there will always be ongoing research on the scripture that could only strengthen the belief
In William C. Placher’s article “Is the Bible True,” he discusses the question of whether the bible is trustworthy or not. He goes about this by taking examples and arguments of other literary work and incorporating them into his article to make or prove a point. The thesis of his essay is, if we believe the bible to be true, then we must put in the work to understand the language. This will enable us to understand the Bible itself. Placher is basically trying to prove to us the Bible is true without turning to modern day themes and arguments to prove this. Hence, why he uses old texts from history and sections of the Bible in his article. He tells us in his article about how some of the topics he brings up from the Bible might not directly correlate with their modern day counterpart. Placher accomplishes this perfectly with his use of examples and the different texts he selects from the bible to prove his point. In all, this is a great article and Placher definitely accomplishes his goal of proving that the Bible is true.
Many scholars claim the New Testament is not reliable for many reasons. Some claim that the Bible is not reliably transmitted because it's like the telephone game. Others say that the Bible has been copied so many times there is no way it's accurate. When examining documents like the Bible, we can find out it's reliability by asking some fundamental questions. Was the document written close to the events it describes? Is the document able to be corroborated by multiple external sources? Has the document been reliably transmitted or copied? If we answer yes to these questions, we determine the document is reliable.
"You can 't trust the Bible. I 's full of all kinds of contradictions and errors". This is a very common charge made against the Bible today. You may have heard this kind of thing from a friend or coworker. Maybe you have even heard this kind of things stated on TV, but is it true? Is the Bible an unreliable book full of errors and contradictions? To answer this question let us look at some of the more commonly cited proofs for this assertion.
Many of us go to church every Sunday and pray before we go to bed every night. We do not think of reading the Bible very often. The Bible is the reason why we go to church and why we pray. I think that the Bible is true. Although there are some things in the bible that make us skeptical, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t true. There are a lot of facts that can prove that the Bible is true. I grew up and still am Catholic. I was raised to believe in the bible and I still do to this day. I will explain that the bible is true because of what the bible actually says the way the bible was written and because of the way I was taught growing up.
This topic has been studied on for a long period of time already. Thus, resulting to a lot of articles on the internet or in books that prove that the Bible really is reliable. Despite it being about thousands and thousands of years old, it is still consistent and very up to date.
There has to be a level of trust for a new believer that the Bible is completely trust worthy. I believe this to is provided in another special revelation. “To trust completely in the Bible is
Most arguments for the Genesis six day creation account stem from evidence against the Big Bang theory as the only two legitimate options for the origin of the universe are random choice or intelligent design. Therefore, anything that discredits the Big Bang model is building upon creationism. There have also been countless archaeological findings that support the relevance of the Bible. One example is that a number of Babylonian documents such as the Sumerian King List have been discovered that describe the same flood spoken of in Genesis Chapters 6-9. The Ark that Noah built and used
Yes, I agree that the Bible is a divine-human book. God uses various authors and genres over an extended time period to bring His Word to humankind. Though this special book has several authors and is written over a considerable time span, the completed book is still one with a cohesive message regardless of the fact that it had multiple authors in different societal structures, political climates and time periods. God allowed these authors to capture the revelations that He gave through His Spirit and preserve it throughout the generations. Additionally, the Bible has not only been substantiated by ancient sources, modern day archeological findings, but also by the prophecies that have been fulfilled and are still being fulfilled today.
In 1870, Sir Charles Warren happened to be exploring in the Lebanon region on the summit of Mount Hermon and found the ruins of a temple believed to belong to Baal. Similarly, this could be relevant to the Bible’s stating they
Second: to offer that the Bible is true is to say that we can faith in its content; we believe it to be guide to our faith. We would have to embrace the notion that there are specific assertions about Gods faithfulness and how we should live our lives and reciprocate. These contentions may appear somewhat intricate, but recognizing its intricacies is a way not of evading commitment to the Bible 's truth however of fully addressing to the complex ways in which the Bible is true. Let’s contemplate the rapport between truth and meaning: the truth of a testimonial or a book hinges on what it means. Countless biblical scholars have worked for eons to scrutinize and appraise the text of the Old Testament, the Apocrypha, and the New Testament.