Is he world really going to end? Is the third world war going to happen? These are the questions going through people minds nowadays. Terrorist attacks one after another and killing of innocent people has slowly convinced us that something really bad in a form of war is going to happen sooner than we think. They are targeting, attacking and killing civilians all over the world. They are also threatening to do more and more. Their main target is to grow fear in us and also drag countries in a war and so far they are getting success at some extent.
On the other hand, most of the powerful and developed countries are trying their best to kill the terrorists by targeting and bombarding with airstrikes at the place where terrorists live. In the process, hundred and thousands of innocent people living over there are also loosing their life. Can we call these countries, "terrorist nations" too?
Both the terrorist groups and these nations are the form of terrorism because both of them are killing innocent people, showing their dominance, hate for each other and, want people and each other to know how powerful and destructive either can be. Looking at their activities, there is no doubt that both the terrorist groups and powerful nations are doing the same thing and us people are the victims of their rivalry. We are paying the price by losing our family members and our loved ones.
We, people, are also responsible for the war in the making. This may sound unreal, but it is the
Terrorism is defined as an act of violence that is committed by an organization or a single person in order to be heard. Terrorist acts are usually based on a couple factors such as, historical grievances, foreign policy decision, poverty, and religion. Terrorism is not a new act amongst the world but something that has been around since the beginning. To understand a criminal you must think like a criminal, and understand why they committed a crime or a violent act, then you can prevent and conquer.
Terrorism has been conducted throughout the world on numerous occasions. The groups that perform these actions come from multiple countries from all over the world. The United States even has some forms of terrorist groups and individuals. One of the biggest terrorist attacks was the destruction of the Twin Towers carried out by Al-Qaeda. Also recently there has been attacks in Paris and Great Britain, which were ISIS’s plan. The biggest terrorist organizations include the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and quite recently ISIS. The Taliban was founded in 1994, by Mullah Mohammed Omar, and they kill people in the name of jihad. Al-Qaeda was founded by Osama Bin Laden and also kill for jihad. Finally ISIS was founded recently hand continues to grow rapidly. They kill indiscriminately and how they see fit (Ppcorn, n.d.).
The word ‘terrorism’ can be traced back to the French Revolution and the reign of terror committed against the population of France in the 1790s. During this time, thousands of people were killed and the general population was severely oppressed. Also, some of the first instances of terrorist tactics, such as assassination and intimidation, were witnessed in the killing of prominent officials and other opponents of the Revolution. In general, terrorists aim to incite fear in the population through pre-meditated violent acts and gain publicity as a medium in achieving their goals. Such acts include taking hostages, bombings and assassinations, all of which create fear and compliance in a victim or audience. Terrorism can be distinguished from other types of political violence through its disregard for and intentional harming of innocent civilians. Also, terrorists usually adopt a state of mind where one side is always good and any opposition is bad and deserves to be punished. As a result, terrorists will always have some supporters who share the same radical thoughts as them and thus terrorism, as a whole, will always be accepted as a legitimate use of violence. This is the reasoning behind the famous phrase by Gerald Seymour, “One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter”(QUOTE
Terrorists, there are multiple different types. You can have terrorists that effect people, the environment, and more so now technological systems. A terrorist is a title that many people or groups of people receive easily from their extreme level of illegal acts. A man named John Brown got the title of a terrorist through many others opinions. Between the little actions he took and the big actions, he was seen as a terrorist.
First, I see terrorism as war and a terrorist in my view is a soldier going to war for certain purpose and reason to destroy. If captured, they should be treated as prisoners of war. What comes to the mind of terrorists is always war such as in military actions because they believe they have a cause to fight for. They are not countries declaring war
Terrorism is an act of violence, usually done in the public sphere, which is used to incite fear in a population in order to coerce change in public opinion or a government’s position on an issue. In many parts of the world, groups wage war with their countries, either to separate from the government or to overthrow it entirely. Sometimes these people are treated unfairly by their government, and their struggles are justified. Other times, these groups use violence against both military and civilian targets, terrorizing innocent bystanders to get what they want—these groups are terrorists. Often, though, it is difficult to tell the difference.
There is no single, universally accepted definition to define terrorism but the U. S. Code of federal regulations define it as any violent act or acts dangerous to human life that violates the criminal laws of the U.S. or any State or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the U.S. or any State. (18 U.S.C § 2331). The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) divides terrorist attacks that face the U.S. into two broad categories - international and domestic. (18.U.S.C. § 2331).
The term terrorism is used widely in present day especially in the United States. Terrorism is a double standard, the people who commit those terrorist acts, commit the acts out of beliefs and in their eyes ok. Terrorism can be described as the illegitimate use of force to achieve a political objective by targeting innocent people (Laqueur, 1987). To me the definition mention above is a great definition to describe terrorism as a crime. To aim for innocent people to prove a point which lead major injuries or death in most cases is to most people would be a crime, no questions asked. According to Martha Crenshaw (1995), “Terrorism cannot be defined unless the act, target and possibility of success are analyzed”. So to think, terrorist are people who commit these acts as a way to get their political or religious point across. If we look at the some of the most famous terrorist acts they are automatically labeled crimes. 9/11 was a crime because the persons affiliated with the act, targeted the
There is no single, universally accepted definition to define terrorism but the U. S. Code of federal regulations defines it as any violent act or acts dangerous to human life that violates the criminal laws of the U.S. or any State or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the U.S. or any State. (18 U.S.C § 2331). The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) divides terrorist attacks that face the U.S. into two broad categories - international and domestic. (18.U.S.C. § 2331).
The main issue with coming to an agreement on the definition of ‘terrorism’ is the argument that the definition should include “States’ use of armed forces against civilians” (UN GA no. 59, 2004). Essentially, the definition should somehow include the illegality of attacks targeted toward civilians and non-combatants (UN GA no. 59, 2004). If the UN is unable to come to a consensus on a globally accepted definition of terrorism, there are going to be issues when trying to come up with counterterrorism operations (Sudha,7). The main issue with not having a definitive definition of terrorism or terroristic acts is that each State deals with these issues very differently.
I believe it is useful to break down terrorism into different types because it is a way to identify behaviors to prevent future attacks. Being aware of different types of terrorism can be an essential tool to better understand terrorism as a whole. Although majority terrorist groups feel victimized, it is important to be able to identify what type of terrorist someone is because it will give light to why that particular terrorist may feel their acts were justified. Furthermore, once the type of terrorist is identified, law enforcement agencies will be more educated on this topic (White, p.13). While some may argue knowing the different types of terrorism can be irrelevant, I believe knowing the reason why and where the group falls under is most important after a terrorist attack has occurred. For example, law enforcement agencies tend to follow crime rate in different cities by classifying types of crimes and putting them into categories to determine ways to decrease the crime rate. In comparison to crime trends, types of terrorism can be thought of as the same way. I think the differences between groups are more important because each terrorism category has different interest. There are different strategies and tactics in how a specific group grabs the attention of those viewed to be in power. For example, al-Qaeda, a religiously-based Islamic terrorist group responsible for September 11 attacks was a strike to get the United States attention by attacking a major landmark. Furthermore, this instilled a notion of fear in hopes to gain respect for their religiously involved motive. Another example that would fall under the nationalist terrorism category is the terrorist group known as the Irish Republican Army (IRA). This group was established when there were political tensions
The first reason that we are heading towards a World War Three is because of the fighting in Syria. The fighting in Syria could possibly turn into a huge global war. One of the many countries in Syria could attack an allied country that is helping to fight ISIS. Russia could accidently attack American soldiers starting a global war between America and Russia and their allies (Bamace, 2015). The French could neglect to work alongside Russia leading to a controversy between Russia and France causing a global war between them and both of their allies (Are we, 2015). The fighting in Syria could make ISIS start a World War by attacking major
Terrorists are not the same as terrorists. A country like Palestine, which oppressed by Israel, must proceed from their own perspective no other choice but to use force against it. Now some countries declare these people as terrorists, but other countries do not. So it depends on the perspective.
War on terror refers to the ongoing military campaign led by U.S and U.K against organizations identified as terrorists. Terrorism can be defined as an unlawful violence or war deliberately targeted to civilians. It can also be defined as a systematic use of terror to coerce or violent acts intended to create fear. This threat is normally perpetrated for religious, political or ideological goals. The conflict as also called by other names. They include World War III, The Long War, War on Terrorism, Bush’s War on Terror, The Global War of Terror and War on Al-Qaeda, (Coaty, 2010).
Terrorism can be defined as the use of criminal violence to try to force a government to change. It can also be defined as the use of criminal violence that groups or individuals use to seek revenge and cause heartache amongst those that they want to hurt/threaten. Most terrorist groups prefer to target people for a more dramatic response and celebrate when the media broadcasts their violent acts on television and throughout the news. Lately, more and more deadly terrorist acts have been captured on film and broadcasted in all parts of the world. Sixty years ago recordings of terroristic acts didn’t spread through the world as quickly as they do now because technology wasn’t as advance. That is just one of the