
Is The World A Better Place?

Good Essays

I’m rich. I’m a trillionaire. I 'm the person that the party doesn’t start without me. I am Joseph Felix! My sole purpose is to make the world a better place. I am the world’s leader in agriculture. My team has stopped a disease that was going to kill three fourths of the planet, now we are going to be at war! As the best orator of my time, I was sent to make peace with Isis. That got canceled, because all Isis wants is their way or war. The public doesn 't know that. Isis is a group and all they want is to control the whole world but not for good. Isis thinks that they are doing it for the best of the world and their purposes their plan is to make the whole american continent for farming and oil. Makeing the whole continent a slave continent. WAR! That was the head line for the Daily Earth.
¨I think they could have done better with the title.¨ Joseph joked.
¨This is serious! We need to talk about this. You did your best with the ebola outbreak.¨ said Madison, Joseph’s best friend.
¨Don’t worry! Its my next project.¨ exclaimed Joseph.
¨Oh, good. Want to get lunch?¨ Madison asked.
¨I can’t I have to go to work.¨ said Joseph. Madison walked away. Joseph left on his way to the White House.
“What are you doing here?” asked President Josafat.
“Well, just wondering what you are doing in the matter of Isis, Mr. President ?” wondered Joseph. “WAR... I’m the one that gave the newspaper the headlines for the Daily Earth.” he said with a smile.
“Nice, but I have a counter

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