
Is Torture Acceptable Research Paper

Decent Essays

Is Torture Acceptable? Torture of a person is defined as the action of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment or to force them to do something. Tormenting a person who is a severe threat to our country’s freedom is acceptable as long as they are not tortured to death. The torture given should depend on the harshness of the threat they are inflicting on the country and the people that inhabit it. Examples of severe threats could include terrorism, spying, fake news, fraudulence, and many more. These are the types of threats the government should be focusing on. In today’s culture, there are many times torture is used as a punishment or as an exchange for information. One instance that torture was used was the events leading up to Osama Bin Laden’s capture and murder. In order to find this evil man, torture was required so that Bin Laden would not be able to continue his hostile acts any longer. If torture was not used, there could still be a chance Osama Bin Laden would be roaming around to this day. Torture can be a useful tool. Many times torture is used to gather information that is needed to secure the country’s freedom from threats. By using torture, citizens have been protected from possible attacks, just like when Osama Bin Laden was captured. Torture can also act as a deterrent …show more content…

Not only can torture do cruel things to the person receiving the affliction, but it can also affect the torturer. When a person gives torture, it damages the humanity of them, which means they will never be the same person again. When torture is used, the victim is treated as a “thing” rather than a person. The receiver is basically dehumanized to achieve the desires of the torturer. Although torture can be used to discover new information, it does not always work that way. Torture can cause inaccurate information to be provided due to the want for the torture to be finished with. In some cases, torture is not the

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