
Is Victor Frankenstein Selfish

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Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is a classic novel that portrays a scientist, Victor Frankenstein, who creates a creature made from human bodies. Through Frankenstein’s eyes, the reader sees this creature as a horrifying monster who murders Frankenstein’s loved ones. However, the reader is able to see the creature’s side of the story which could change their perspective of a horrifying creature, to an almost innocent child who does not know right from wrong. Victor Frankenstein is then portrayed as the horrifying monster who abandoned his creature, was selfish by thinking everything is about him, and taking revenge on the creature who had a mind of an innocent child. As Victor Frankenstein is finally finished with placing his creation together, …show more content…

When Victor Frankenstein was about to returned home from college his younger brother William was accidently killed by the creature. At first Victor Frankenstein did not know who murdered his brother, but when he was traveling home he ran into the creature. The creature was close to Frankenstein’s village, and then Frankenstein knew that the creature murdered his brother (Shelley 63). Frankenstein took it as the creature getting back at him for abandoning him, and then Frankenstein began to fear for the rest of his loved ones. However the creature did not mean to kill William, he just wanted to be accepted to human society and be a part of a family. The creature took the boy thinking he could teach him that he, the creature, was not a threat. William began to scream and the creature covered his mouth not knowing he could suffocate the boy (Shelley 132). Victor Frankenstein wanted the creature to be gone and told the creature to never come back into his life (Shelley 134). He just thought of himself and did not want anything to do with his creation anymore. However, Frankenstein made a promise to creature saying he would create it a partner, and then they would have to go far away from human society (Shelley

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