Is Year-Round School Actually Beneficial?
Year-Round school will take away businesses and will end up costing more than the traditional school calendar. YRS calendar would be the regular beginning of the year date and continue on from there and before the next school year starts the students would have only 2 weeks before school starts again to “be on vacation”, if you even want to call it that. The students grades depends on the teachers’ teaching abilities, it shouldn’t matter how long the school year is. If the student needs extended time for school, that’s what summer school is for. “Houston, Texas schools abandoned the YRS program after eight years because of the added expenses and no true relief from overcrowding or improvements
Gone are the days of children getting off of school to help their family farms during the summer. Now, children as well as the teachers get out for some much needed relaxation. So why do we still follow the same schedule? It seems every school year the discussion of year-round education captures the attention of the general public. Is it time for year-round education (YRE) to be the new norm? Ultimately, there are not that many pros for year-round schooling to be the new thing and the traditional 180-day schedule should be kept.
using a multi track year-round calendar can allow a school to enroll up to 50 percent more students. More than two million students go to year-round schools. The last reason why year-round school would be a positive thing is the effect on budgets advocated claim a year-round calendar allows school facilities to be used most effectively because they are not sitting empty for months at a time during summer
possible con to a year-round school calendar is the lack of time for recreational summer activities
Year-round schooling, also known as YRS, is a new idea that schools are trying to implement across the United States and worldwide. “As of June 2006, and estimated 2.3 million students in over 3,100 schools across the United States attended classes on a year-round school schedule.” (Chittom and Klassen). Schools that aren’t on a year-round schedule are based off of a 180- day calendar that includes a summer and fall break. With the YRS schedule the classes would run for 3 weeks then take a 2-3 week break in between. Schools should switch to year-round school because there is less setbacks and it is beneficial to the people involved.
"They do not view YRE as a calendar configuration for space, achievement, or enrichment, but rather as a part of the transformation toward a philosophy of long continuous learning." (Guthrie). One of the main purposes of Year-Round Schooling is to lower the break time between school sessions. This causes children to have a better chance of retaining the knowledge that they learned from the previous year (Wyoming Tribune Eagle). Year-round schools consist of the same amount of school days, 180 days, the difference is that it is spread out over 12 months instead of the original 10. When the original school schedule was made, it was made for families who farmed in the summer. Modern day Americans do not have to focus on the economic issue
Why is a year-round school a bad idea? Having a summer vacation gives students motivation throughout the school year. It is a bad idea to make our winter break longer than summer break because some students work over the summer, students are not getting the best education they could, and they will not have much time to spend with their family.
If there is year round schooling, there is a higher potential level and students would benefit from having year-round schooling. There are year round schooling which would cause a lot less distractions through the school year. “Suppose in the year round school program, there’s a break every six or eight weeks; that means as soon as students begin to feel settled, they’re off again. If shortened breaks come too frequently, as they’d almost have to in the new system, it becomes harder for students to ever get
Year round schooling may sound scary but read this and I might change your mind. Year round school is pretty much what is sounds like, except it is the same amount of school days as a regular year, and it has more spread out breaks. Year round school would be beneficial because it consist of less review due to “summer slide”, more “family time”, and longer more spread out breaks.
school. Some people might consider a year round school, some people might not consider a year round school. In year round schools you spend the exact same days as normal
Have you ever thought about how year-round schooling can be beneficial to students? In today’s society, many school districts have been switching from a standard school year to year-round schooling. Year-round schools follow the basic 180 day school year, but the days are more spread out throughout the year following the 45-15 method. Forty five days of school, followed by fifteen day breaks. Year-round schooling is beneficial to many because it prevents students from gaining unwanted weight and causes less stress for teachers and students.
Source C states “Students in the California attending year-round school jumped 29%.” Wow, year-round school is really helpful. Year-round school is a school that runs throughout a year. Before you run in the woods hiding from year-round school, it is only 180 school days like a normal school. This means that summer vacation is shortened from 14 weeks to 5 weeks. And in the fall, spring, and winter there are 3-week breaks. Some people want to keep their summer vacation while others don’t. I think that year-round schools should be a great idea because it can help students gain more knowledge, convenient and students and teachers would be less stressed.
Non-stop school for 45 days? Thats what kids would have to deal with if they had a year round school. Whether Florida should be a year round school has been a debate for some time now. Florida should not be a year round school because it has a different schedule than highschools, and when a student finally starts something they would forget it with a 5 day vacation. Even though it gives students a break, that would make it so that students can’t get deeply into something.This is why Florida should not have a year round schools.
Its that time of year again, where you have to go back to school and reunite with old friends, talking about how your summer was. All of a sudden the teacher tells you to write about what you learned last year. You realize that during your summer break, you forgot what you learned. Summer breaks are about enjoying yourself and taking a break from school but long breaks can cause you to forget what you learned last year, this is where year-round schools come in handy.
Ever wonder why you can’t remember what you learned at the beginning of school last year? Trying to remember what you learned last year may not help, because studies from the University of California show that students in grades 2nd through 9th can lose from 25-30% of what they learned the previous year. Although there are academic benefits to a year-round schedule schools should continue to operate on a 10 month 36 week schedule because it is traditional.
Education is the process of gaining knowledge and skills through study and instructions. Education exposes people to the world, builds character, curiosity, and wisdom. Therefore, it is important for the children in today’s world to get a good education. For many years, school systems have worked to find solutions to improving the education for all children. In the United States, most schools operate on the ten-month calendar, but many people oppose this system and like the year- round education better. Like the traditional calendar, the year-round calendar also operates 180 days a year. The main difference is that the year-round schedule mandate students to attend school for 45 days, and have a three-week break (Shields). The best way to improve the system is to incorporate year-round schooling. Despite the fact that year-round schooling costs more money, and takes away long summer vacation time, it is beneficial to society because it provides a better transition for students, resolves the problem of summer learning loss, and reduces the severity of overcrowding.