
Is the World Wide Web Causing a World Wide Woe?

Good Essays

Many people view the internet as the World Wide Web, connecting the population together and sharing information on a global scale. However, others look at it as a grotesque web that is entangling humanity with unintelligence. Whether positive or negative, it is indubitable that in the past years, society has become extremely reliant upon the internet. Every day, millions of people around the world use the internet for many different purposes: commerce, communication, social networking, work, education, entertainment, and more. Because the internet is used on a daily basis while providing graphic stimulation and frequent distractions, certain individuals are starting to believe that it can change the way people think. Indeed, “China …show more content…

Perhaps one of the greatest significance of social networking websites is the incredible capability to stay connected with people. On the other hand, it could be argued that internet-based relationships are much less personal than traditional methods of communication, potentially leading to problems with communicational behavior within a social setting. Due to the numerous distractions and advertisements presented by the internet, studies suggest a connection between internet use and ADHD: 32% of internet “addicts” had ADHD compared to only 8% of those with normal usage (Greenblatt). Furthermore, “Memorizing has become a lost art as we have moved from cramming our brains to cramming our hard drives,” (Greenblatt). This implies that many students today don’t even try to learn because anything that they want to know is at their fingertips.
As fast as the internet has changed, people’s use and abuse of the web has grown and continues to expand. Clearly, the internet has generated significant technological and interactive advances in the past years. There are countless advantages as it relates to education, business, technology, and personal improvement. The internet’s storage capacity increases daily, resulting in immediate access to new information as well as new methods of communication. In educational settings, the internet has enhanced

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