
Isaac Asimov's Coming Of Age In Karhide

Decent Essays

“Science fiction can be defined as that branch of literature which deals with the reaction of human beings to changes in science and technology” (Easy 62).
Isaac Asimov examines that science fiction aids in understanding human nature when exposed to scientific advancement. While I agree that the inclusion of technological innovation plays an integral role in understanding the genre of science fiction, I believe that science fiction includes transforming an aspect of society in order to gain insight into human nature. Furthermore, science fiction challenges individual’s epistemological beliefs and how people gain knowledge. Scholars and intellectuals continue to debate on a singular, comprehensive definition that encompasses the science fiction …show more content…

Brooks Landon illuminates the adaptability of the genre, “Science fiction is the kind of literature that most explicitly and self-consciously takes change as its subject and its teleology” (Landon 135). By exposing humans to change, whether it be an environmental shift or societal evolution, it exposes human nature and the inner workings of society. In “Coming of Age in Karhide”, the elements of sexual identity and gender roles are removed from society, “It’s been nearly fifty years, and I have to admit I do not recall everyone from my first kemmer…Berre, my golden fish, with whom I ended up in drowsy, peaceful, blissful, lovemaking in front of the great hearth till we both fell asleep. And when we woke we were not women. We were not men. We were not in kemmer. We were very tired young adults” (Le Guin 12). “Coming of Age in Karhide” exhibits how science fiction short stories embody adjustments made to society. Science fiction allows for one to gain perspective into the process and consequences of change (Vint 135). By analyzing “Coming of Age in Karhide”, one understands the consequences of gender neutrality, such as loss of gender roles and lack of progress or scientific

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