
Isaiah 6 Research Paper

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That is a great question that I will try my best to answer. This is a difficult topic to cover because no one can really understand God or his truth until you let the Holy Spirit into your heart. Truth is a challenging subject to touch up on because everyone has a different idea of what truth is. But, without further ado, let’s get started. I’m going to start by explaining the importance of Isaiah 6. Isaiah 6 is about Isaiah experiencing a vision after his King, King Uzziah, had died. King Uzziah had been a distraction from the Lord, which is why God shows himself to Isaiah after his death. Isaiah’s vision was his realization of how much of a sinner and an unclean person he and his peers were. After his eye-opening vision, he offers himself to the Lord saying, “Here am I. Send me!”1 The Lord sends Isaiah to tell everyone to become followers of God until “the cities lie ruined”2 King Uzziah was an …show more content…

When different people are interviewed to define truth, everyone will most likely come up with a different answer. One woman who was interviewed said truth was like a stained glass window. She used this analogy because everyone sees a stained glass window differently. Also, each person can come up with a different meaning for the window and the story behind it. The applies a lot to truth because people tend to create their own truth so that they feel comfortable with it. Just because you make your own truth, doesn’t make that truth correct. Noah Webster’s Dictionary’s definition for truth says, “Conformity to fact or reality; exact accordance with that which is, or has been, or shall be. The truth of history constitutes its whole value. We rely on the truth of the scriptural prophecies.” This definition, written in 1828, states that truth is only found in the scriptural prophecies. This definition was later changed to a definition of truth with no mention of God, the Bible, or in fact any religion at

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