
Isaiah Vs Daniel 6

Decent Essays

So, you want to know why I believe what I believe. Why God is what I have founded my life, and what comes out of my life on. I would like to start off by saying that this is not based on emotion or feelings but on the foundation and power of the holy spirit and God’s word. In the Bible there are two chapters that stand out especially in explaining my faith, Isaiah 6 and Daniel 6. In Isaiah chapter 6 it tells the tale of Isaiah, and his first encounter with God. He like every other human to ever live and will ever live, was susceptible to putting his faith in untrue powers. As humans we choose to put our faith in people who in the end are just mortal beings like the rest of us, and beliefs that aren’t absolute because they are conceived by those …show more content…

He was the perfect king, strong, wise, clever, and he lead Israel into prosperity through God, but in the end his pride led him to disobey God and cause his own death. Isaiah, having put all his faith into King Uzziah, had his world shook after his death. However, God stepped in and spoke to Isaiah. In God’s presence Isaiah had his sins exposed, and his culture’s sins exposed. God proceeded to cleanse him of his sin and change him into a righteous man. In my life as I started to look at the world for answers God became that foundation of truth for me to build myself off of. He challenged the sins I had committed and gave me peace over the troubles of my life. Another great example of this is my mother. She was a drug addict, and did what anyone would expect her to do, but in the end God met her where she was and took her out of her addiction and out of the other conflict in her life just by being there to challenge her wrong …show more content…

The cosmic battle is a constant battle that is raging between truth and lies in everyone’s lives. In life there is the absolute truth which is the word of God which leads to prospering, and sin which is the devil’s truth which leads to withering. This brings up the question of what battle, because of course people have their own opinions but there can’t really be that they either side with the devil or God and none else. Well that's true because sin is of lies, and every sin can be traced back to a lie. For example with Adam and Eve from the very beginning of the Bible. They were lied to so that they would think it was alright to sin against God. And in the end if something isn’t truth it is a lie, meaning anything that goes against the word of God is a lie being used to combat the truth. A reference to how this has taken root in our culture today is an interview done recently where people were asked what truth was. At first most people were unsure and couldn’t really think of an answer, but in the end there were three main categories what their answers fell into, that truth is relative and people perceive the real truth in their own way making them right in any of their beliefs, that truth is fact and that there is an absolute truth that we all have to find, and lastly people also responded with there needing to be an absolute truth with God being true and thus His

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