
Ishmael Harrington Extract

Decent Essays

In the beginning of the extract, the theme that is revealed is hunger, which is present throughout the extract especially when Harrington is watched eating. For example, this is clear to the audience as Harrington chews hungrily, he eats beef which is being described by his observer. This quote proves Harrington is desperately hungry: “before thrusting a large chunk into his mouth, a greasy trickle of pink liquid ran down to his chin as he chewed hungrily”. I think that the phrase “a greasy trickle of pink liquid” is describing the meat which is disgusting, gross because of the colour pink and it could also be described as slimy. Equally, the author uses the description “Large chunk” to describe the beef. He ate that yet ignored the pink liquid, therefore he was quite hungry, especially because of the size which is used to describe the meat “large chunk”. He chewed hungrily” is also another way to prove how hungry he was. I …show more content…

Harrington frowns before “picking up his knife and fork and cut angrily into the remains of his beef”. This suggests several things, either he didn’t like the beef, or he was angry about being spied on. “He frowned” shows the disapproval of the beef given to him by the way he frowned. Also, the description of the facial expression shows disproval of what he was given. I think that “He cut hungrily into the remains of his beef” because he was desperate to eat the beef and he was angry as the quote says, “cut angrily”. Throughout this part of the extract the author describes Harrington and the actions he uses to represent the way he feels. He was angry whilst he was cutting the beef this was shown in this quote as well “He frowned” He disproved, could be another way to show his anger not only because he might have been hungry but also because he might know that someone is spying on him. This could lead to him being stressed which makes him eat more and feel hungry all the

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