The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, most commonly referred to as ISIS or ISIL , is a group formed as a political, religious and military leader over all Muslims around the world. While having one leader, the organization aims to unite all Muslims under a single person. While many followers of ISIS accept the single leader and the violent practices, others have opposing viewpoints. Despite the fact that Islam is an Arabic word which directly translates into the English word of peace, ISIS is being held responsible for many of the human rights violations as well as war crimes that take place in the middle east and around the rest of the world. The United Nations along with the European Union have officially claimed ISIS and the followers a terrorist group. With such a continuously growing hype of ISIS around the world, what effect does it have on the young seventeen year old Muslim girl who just wants to live a peaceful life? …show more content…
Despite the fact of being born in Canada, my mother had always tried her best to teach me and my sibling about our cultural and religious background. Through many years of struggling with my cultural identity, I thought I had finally found a place somewhere in between. At the age of twelve, I decided to wear a headscarf as a religious symbol and a sense of identity. Though I did get many awkward stares in school, my peers eventually stopped caring and ignored what I wore because at that age, everyone was experimenting with themselves trying to find their true identity. After a few years of people ignoring my head scarf, recently, those stares started coming
Eventually ISIS compelled her to marry for a third time, this time to a man who Mitat describes as a gentle soul, called Abu Abdallah Al-Afghani.
The ISIS Yazidi Women Abductions are a very important topic to address at this point in time. The Yazidi people have been persecuted based on the beliefs in a benevolent peacock angel (Melek Taus) which contains elements of Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Islam. ISIL views this peacock angel as a malevolent archangel Lucifer or more commonly known as Satan. Under the Islamic Law observed by ISIS, Yazidis are officially given an opportunity to convert to Sunni Islam or be put to death. This has led to the exile, abduction and unfortunate massacres of at least 5,000 Yazidi men, women, and children. This is a crucial issue to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland because
In addition to Afghan mujahidin, people fro other Muslim countries volunteered and one of the prominent figures was Osama bin Laden who came from Saudi Arabia to join mujahidin and fight against the Soviets. Also, fighters from Chechnya rushed to join the Mujahidin movements, the Soviets were officially atheists and detrimental to the Islam at large. The mountainous terrains of Afghanistan, the ethnic and linguistic differences among the mujahidin faction made it difficult for the groups to cooperate. However, by 1985 the corporation between the resistance groups improved and a network of alliance was created the Seven Party Mujahidin Alliance of Peshware Seven. Some of the prominate of the mujahidin commanders was Ahmed Shah Massoud, who was assassinated by the Taliban in 2001.
Al-Qaeda is a Sunni sunni Islamistislamist organization that was founded by Osama bin Laden. They have made an impact on many parts of the world. Impacts that would cause casualties that is. Just three organizations Al-Qaeda is tied to are the Haqqani, Lashkar-e-Taiba, and the Taliban. Although Al-Qaeda has few agents left in Afghanistan they still managed and manage to cause devastating acts of violence. One of the ways they were and still are able to make such an impact is by working with other organizations with similar views for their ideal future.
As I am getting older and the week goes by I'm realizing more that Sunday's are the best days. It is the only day that I get to relax and spend time with my amazing son. I often like to take him to places that would not only be educational for the both of us but at the same enhances our bond. In the midst of going to school full time and working full time I tend to minimize quality time I spend with him. But I always make sure that he knows family comes first and sacrifices are made for the better. Since Sundays are dedicated to quality time, I tend to call it ‘Son-day’. This particular Son-day we went to the Brooklyn
Osama bin Laden, son of a wealthy Saudi contractor, joined many young Arab men of his generation in Afghanistan. While he appears to have played a very minor role in the fighting, his wealth enabled him to recruit, train, and supply fighters for the insurgency. It was founded in Afghanistan. America started to support israel against palestine which made al qaeda mad and wanted to fight back against the US which lead to the truck bombing in 1993.
ABC. "Isis Trail of Terror: Is ISIS a Threat to America." ABC News. ABC News Network, 23 Feb. 2015. Web. 09 Dec. 2015.
The government needs to do more to protect the United States from terrorist groups such as ISIS. Our government does not realize how bad this world can come to, if we do not start fighting back. ISIS has killed innocent people, destroyed our buildings, and they use our tools and weapons against us. Special agencies need to keep more of their plans secretive, by not leaking any information that should be kept private. Being the next president, I hope that you can try to resolve these problems, make our country a better place, and protect us from any violent acts.
Hundreds of Shia Muslim men and boys lie face down on a dusty spread of land north of Baghdad. Machine guns sound like hail as bullets pound into the men, dust and blood fly everywhere. The bearded executionists show no conscience, leaving the bodies entangled in a shallow mass grave. In replacement of a tombstone waves the Islamic flag. These executions were carried out last month as part of ISIS’s crackdown on Shia Muslims and other infidels.
Isis Chanel Chambers was born July 24, 2015. That makes her a Leo, so she can be a little bossy. She booked her first commercial when she was six weeks old as the Hero baby for a Bill and Melinda Gates PSA. Since then she has booked quite a few things. Her clothing line, Isis Chanel Clothing, started as of October 2015, and has been doing quite well online. Isis loves the camera and the camera loves her.
Foods of the Middle East as they developed within the entire region, they ignored present-day political boundaries. Keep in mind this area is known as the cradle of civilization, the Fertile Crescent, flanked by the Nile River to the west and the Tigris and Euphrates of the east. Ignore today’s images of barren, dry hot land, and imagine the former richness of the soil, the lush vegetation and sites like the Garden of Eden itself, believed to have existed in the region. Wheat was the first to be cultivated, then came barley, pistachios, figs, pomegranates, dates, and other regional staples. Fermentation was discovered and used not just to make beer, but also to leaven bread. The barter system ant the earlies writing systems were created here by the Sumerians. Commercial markets and commercial trade proliferated. In their invasions of other lands
Terrorism, in a recent couple of years, has become an international problem and the international community has used a lot of resources in an effort to solve it and reduce its effect on people. The United Nations has carried out many conventions and resolutions have been adopted in the international arena. In the regional levels too, the European Union has had plenty of measures to handle this problem. Countries especially that have suffered extensive attacks such as the United States and England have strict measures to eliminate this trouble. Despite international, regional and individual countries efforts, terrorism still remains a huge problem which must be tackled. In this essay, I tackle a national and endemic terror group. I look at the
compensated for the injury if the government has a good civil service economy. “In 2005, there was 864 casualties and 133 had severe burns. Enders calculated on average a person gets .26% for burns globally. Using a formula of “$5000*133*.26 and using a 5% discount rate and if the average burn victim would live to 62 years. The loss in 2005 estimated to be $2,681,700. Repeating this type of calculation for each type of disability, yielded a total of $21,622,000. Adding the loss of life to the cost of casualties yields a total of $65,093,083. This amount is only for a single year. If terrorist attacks would become a regular event in Russia it would be a huge economic burden that it would have to pay for years.
The most important job a president faces is keeping the United States borders and citizens safe, especially in a global climate that consistently deals with terror threats and the risk of attack. This threat persists not only a worldwide scale, but a national scale too. To combat terrorism and keep our country safe, we need to dismantle ISIS and take away their stronghold on Syria and Iraq by working with our allied groups and countries, sponsor systems of government that don’t support terrorism against Europe or the United States, and work to remove the online presence of terrorist networks who try to radicalize the Muslim youth of our country.
The problem is terrorism being carried out by Al Shabaab, a Somalia based terror group assisted by their local sympathizers, who are using terrorism as a logic to force our forces out of Somalia. The Al Shabaab is a terror organization based in the neighboring fragile state of Somalia, which wants to create a counter state in Somalia based on Sharia laws. It is attacking Kenya, because of our deployed forces inside Somalia in support of the Nascent western and regionally backed transition government. Currently they are employing terrorism both as a logic and as a method. On targeted Westgate shopping mall visited by western population in capital Nairobi to cause fear and