The unfortunate fact that Islam is the most misunderstood religion is still exist. Everyone must vividly remembers how the tragedy of 11 September 2001 occurred. Most of the American communities now are still shocked even after the attacks of 11 September has occurred for the past 14 years. Because of limited narrative about that day and its aftermath, it triggered the ongoing rumors about Arab, Muslim and Islam that we are terrorists. The reality that most members of the communities contend with daily was the environment that was originally created from the discrimination of government policies and biased media representations by the West. Hence, the level of anti-Muslim among the American communities sentiment have always increase day by day after the 11 September tragedy until now. Consequently, those who are tragically affected by …show more content…
The number is declining from 35% in 2010. A Carnegie Mellon study published in 2013 also showed that Muslim Americans are subjected to systematic hiring discrimination.
However, FBI hate-crime statistics cite a figure of 13.7% for the proportion of anti-religious hate crimes targeting Muslims in the Unites States. This figure is widely known to be understated from the real situation of how it should be. Many Muslim immigrants are either newly arrived in the United States and thus unfamiliar with how and why they have become they should report such bias incidents.
This example clearly shows that religion of Islam especially is discriminated by many people in this world. The experiences of being discriminate are very common for some of us. Muslims have to deal and face with all issues of discrimination in order to uphold the truth of Islam. Patience, sabr is the key to succeed in this
Within the past twelve years, Islam has grown to be the second largest religion practiced around the world. Growing up, there weren’t many Muslim people that practiced Islam as there are now. Ten years ago, I would only see about one or two Muslims as I walked down the street, but now I see many more. In Philadelphia, there are more than 200,000 people who are Muslim, and 85% of those people are African-American. In this city when people see African-American Muslims who are garbed up they don’t discriminate against them. To be a Muslim in this society it causes controversy because people are constantly pointing out all of the flaws within them.
“Since 9/11, Muslims in America are living in fear” (“In a virtual internment camp: Muslim Americans since 9/11”). When our World Trade Center came crashing down, American had one more enemy, Muslims. 9/11 was a tragic act of terrorism and those victims will not be forgotten, but because of the Muslims that did this terrible act most Muslims in America were grouped into one category, evil.
Among the minorities, people with an Islamic religious viewpoint are treated differently throughout America. A dark day in United States history,
According to NBC News, following the September 11 attacks in 2001, there were four hundred eighty one reported anti-Muslim hate crimes in the United States, totaling an average of 40 per month. The number of these attacks continues to rise today. Muslims seem to have targets on their backs. The arrow pointed at them is known as Islamophobia, the hatred and prejudice against the religion of Islam.
With the American people showing ever increasing interest in Muslims since the attacks on America, it was inevitable that this would change the way Muslims would be viewed in the United States. The 9/11 attacks - carried out by nineteen Islamic extremists - have no doubt changed how Muslim-Americans are perceived in this country, and those feelings have simmered for 15 years now. Even though a stigma against the Muslim American community had been growing in the US because of wars and conflicts, the attacks on the world trade centers in New york marked an era that ushered in mass stereotypes and disenfranchisement for Muslim Americans (Bakalian, Anny, and Mehdi Bozorgmehr). According to Mehdi Bozorgmehr and Anny Bakalian, an Associate Director and Mehdi Bozorgmehr is Co-Director of the Middle East and Middle Eastern American Center at the Graduate Center, immigrants from the Middle East are familiar with stereotypes and discrimination in the United States. In backlash 9 ⁄ 11, they examined the harassment, discrimination, and hate crimes committed by individuals against members of the targeted communities or people who look ‘‘Middle Eastern.’’Islam has established a niche in America. Estimates vary, but there are about 4 million Muslims in the United States and Canada. Although a major portion of this community is made up of immigrants, there has been a steady increase in the number of Americans accepting Islam (History of Islam). According to Karine Walther, an Assistant
Throughout the years there have been several hate crimes or laws put in place to put down the muslim community, two of the most recent and most controversial examples of discrimination towards the muslim community would be president donald j. Trumps attempt to pass both a muslim registry and a ban on all muslims coming in the U.S. thankfully the bills weren't passed, this however does show the level in which some americans are willing to go to in order to remove a “threat to society” this also show the change in americans psychi making racism and discrimination socially acceptable more and more when even the government is making it seem acceptable to discriminate thus increasing the amount of hate crimes towards
In addition, since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Muslim immigrants have faced increased discrimination and racial profiling (Ghaffari & Ciftci, 2010). For example, Congressman Goode wished to preserve “traditional” values and beliefs by adopting strict immigration policies to prevent more Muslims from entering the U.S. This prejudicial letter was referencing the request to use the Quran for the swearing-in ceremony of a newly appointed Muslim congressman (Sue & Sue, 2012). Also, legislation such as the Patriot Act and travel restrictions have made Muslim immigrants vulnerable to unfair targeting, including home raids, unjustified arrests and detentions, and interrogation (Ahmed & Reddy, 2007; CAIR, 2006). The negative portrayal of Muslims and Islam in the media has exacerbated this discrimination and racial profiling. In a study conducted by Hasouneh and Kulwicki (2007) that looked at discrimination, trauma, and mental health among Arab Muslim women in the U.S., the authors found that 63% of respondents reported being discriminated against post-9/11. While this study looked only at Arab women, Arab and Muslim men share similar experiences of discrimination (Abu-Ras & Suarez, 2009). Muslim immigrants have also experienced
After the 9/11 attacks, Arab Americans have reported more occurrences of hate crime and racial discrimination in employment. Researchers Daniel Widner and Stephen Chicoine conducted a research project where they randomly picked out typical white-sounding names and typical Arab-sounding names from reliable sources for fictitious résumés. For the past 15 months, they sent out résumés to 265 jobs. The objective of this study was to
Islam, a religion of people submitting to one God, seeking peace and a way of life without sin, is always misunderstood throughout the world. What some consider act of bigotry, others believe it to be the lack of education and wrong portrayal of events in media; however, one cannot not justify the so little knowledge that America and Americans have about Islam and Muslims. Historically there are have been myths, many attacks on Islam and much confusion between Islam as a religion and Middle Easter culture that is always associated with it. This paper is meant to dispel, or rather educate about the big issues that plague people’s minds with false ideas and this will only be touching the surface.
Islam - A Highly Controversial Sensitive Issue in Today's World: Examination of Misconceptions and Beliefs
According to a gall up poll in 2010, almost half of Americans believe that Americans are prejudice toward Muslim Americans. In which 66% of Jewish Americans say that they are prejudices towards Muslims in America. (Source 4). Americans can gather these racist qualities from just embracing what they see on their television. Americans are embracing false facts about the religion of Islam such as Islam promotes violence, Islam doesn’t give women equality, Muslims are imposing to change our judicial system into Sharia Law, and promote Female mutilation and
According to, “The word discrimination is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.” Muslims have experienced a lot of discrimination in their lives. How did this happen? Since the attack on the world trade center (9/11) the Muslim people have been viewed as the lower class in society. This event has changed Muslim Americans in many different ways such as; being profiled in everyday life, obtaining a job in aerospace, discrimination for their religion. Even after the 9/11 attacks the discrimination against Muslim Americans. In politics some presidential candidates are trying to ban Muslim Immigration in America.
According to a report by the Council on American-Islamic Affairs (CAIR), an Islamic civil rights organisation, released in May, there was a "57 percent increase in anti-Muslim bias incidents" from 2015 to 2016.
Muslims are not particularly shown in a good light here in America. In the news all you hear about are Muslim extremists causing harm. In movies Muslims are usually depicted as evil terrorists that are America’s main enemy. Sadly, there are not many Muslims here to combat these ignorant views. Due to the lack of Muslims to defend themselves,
Islam is the religion that is followed through Muslims about the teachings through Muhammad by the prophet Allah. Today Islam is considered as one of the most prominent religions followed throughout the world. Though Islam is thought of has one of the most popular religion across the world, many still lack the understanding of what Islam is. Following 9/11, the perception of Muslims changed thus proposing the idea of Islamophobia. Defined by the Oxford English Dictionary Islamophobia is the unfair prejudice or discrimination towards Muslims due to race, religion, or ethnic identity. The idea changed the way that all Muslims were perceived throughout America and the world. Muslims today face discrimination throughout the society. Following 9/11 the Muslim people are being treated unfairly because of their religion by the exclusion of the Muslim culture in American society, Muslims are being targeted and harmed in public, and Muslims are perceived as a terrorist or threat to national security.