The most important cause of the quick spread of Islam is weak opponents. When the islams went out to raid neighboring countries, they found out that the Persians and Byzantiums were weak from war. They were quick to strike and conquer. According to Karen Armstrong and her book Islam: A Short History, “Persia and Byzantuim had both been engaged for decades in a long… series of wars with one another. Both were exhausted.” This shows that because of the long wars both countries had, neither were strong enough to defeat the Islams. With weak army’s, the islams could quickly attack and defeat without any struggle or great losses. This caused Islam to spread quickly because when the islam’s attacked weak countries with their strong armies, they
Around the years of 632-750 C.E., Islamic followers created an empire that reached across North Africa into Europe and dominated the Middle East. Due to several aspects leading up to expansion such as war, geography, and establishing an organized impressionable government, the Islamic empire grew rapidly.
Islam spread quickly because people converted to their religion to avoid the hassle that Islam had in store. Muslims were extremely violent toward Non-muslims, but if they agreed to become Muslim, the violence would be ended (Doc E). So some people pretended to become Muslim for an easier life, which was a great idea. But some really may have switched over to the Muslim religion from their own. Pretending to, or truly becoming Muslim was the only way out of being threatened, and it was key to a pretty much worry free life. Muslims didn’t have to pay taxes and were not ghazued (Doc D).
The rise of the Islamic religion and the growth of Islam’s territory happened rather quickly. During the life of their prophet and Islam’s originator, Muhammad, and interestly it even increased after his death, but how? Islam spread so fast after it was originated because of three things: trade, military conquest, and the appeal of its government.
In the beginning, Muhammad started to preach his teachings, called Islam, in a populous trade center known as Mecca. Though, at first, his preachings were resisted as the people worried that idol worship and pilgrimages, or journeys to a sacred place, would end. This, in fact, proved to be true as with enough support, Muhammad ordered that the idols be destroyed and that a shrine dedicated to Allah be built instead, making Mecca the birthplace and foundation of Islam. However, within 100 years of Muhammad’s death in 632 CE, Islam had spread to multiple other countries including Europe, North Africa, and Asia. The question is, how did Islam spread so rapidly over the course of 100 years? Briefly put, Islam spread rapidly due to trade routes, military campaigns, and non-Muslim converts.
In its Golden Age, Islam’s influence reached all the way to Spain, Anatolia, West Africa, and India, among other regions. While these regions were all, in a way, united under a common religion, each of them both altered and were altered by Islam in their own unique ways. Although there were similarities that existed with the spread of Islam to each of those places, many more differences prevailed. Differences and similarities existed in the forms of the role of migration, role of trade, role of cultural exchange, methods of conversion to Islam, and the unique cultural developments in each region.
The trade between Islam and many other countries helped spread Islam. Trade leads to a good economy meaning more jobs (less unemployment). As people move around to trade they sometimes stay they traded to causing the spread of
At the time of 610 C.E. Allah’s messenger Muhammed spread a message to the Muslims which started the intense creation of the second most popular religion we know as Islam. In just a short amount of time the Islam religion spread so far, it even took over the whole Arabian peninsula from where it started. How does Islam spread so fast? Here are two of three reasons possible that mainly caused all of this. At first, the main reason Islam spread would be trade and trade routes.
The religion of Islam is the second largest belief system in the world with over one billion believers. As of 2009, almost one quarter of the world's population follow after Islam, second only to Christianity. But roughly 15 centuries ago, this was not true at all concerning Islam. The populations that now embrace Islam have roots in a polytheistic society where Islam did not yet exist. Christianity was clearly the dominant religion of that time period and the wide influence of the Byzantine Empire ensured the continued influence of the Church. Some
Lastly, Islam spread quickly through military campaigns which is depicted in “The Spread of Islam (map)” (Doc. C) This map shows how the people that were conquered by the Muslims chose to convert to Islam
Islam is a major world religion. Its origin can be traced back to 610 CE in Arabia. The basis of this religion is the revelations to the prophet Mohammad. Dissatisfied with his life, he traveled to deserts, hills, and the wilderness surrounding Mecca, where he lived, to meditate and reflect. He became a new man through his revelations, which many of his followers believe Allah transmitted to him through his angel Gabriel. Islam was originally an Arab religion, but many different beliefs and practices were added to it, making it extremely popular and aiding in its rapid spread. This new religion spread to many different areas surrounding Arabia, both under Mohammad and after his death. The Muslim Empire grew to encompass Spain and
One reason Islam spread fast was because Muslims used force. From the beginning, Muhammad believed that Arab Muslims should not attack other Muslims. However, they could raid non-Muslims and take their things. These were called ghazu raids (Document D). Later the raids got bigger and became military campaigns and spread across the middle east, North Africa, and into Spain (Document C). Without force, Islam would not have spread so quickly.
it spread so quickly over a short period of time. There were different factors that had allowed Islamic
The rise and expansion of Islam has had a significant impact on the role and rights of women throughout history. Since its origin in the seventh century until modern times, the Muslim faith has somewhat broadened, but has mostly restricted women’s rights in numerous Islamic communities. The history of Muslim women is complex, as it involves many advances and declines in numerous locations, such as Egypt, Afghanistan, and Iran, concerning several subjects, including both civil and social rights. Thus, in general, the rights of Islamic women did not improve significantly over time, instead, conditions remained the same or became worse for women as Islam evolved and spread as a world religion.
There were questions about how Islam can be interpreted as either peaceful or violent, depending on how you look at it. I thought I’d post a few tidbits from their doctrines for my readers. Just for an FYI.
The history of Islam and the major cultural shift caused by the religion due to its acceptance within its beginning stages had provided the foundation needed for the prophet Muhammad to impose his will of spreading the message of a new god, referred to as Allah, and push for a rapid expansion this new religion, but with this historical spreading also came difficulties of one true interpretation of their holy book, the Quran. Muhammad had implemented this religion and through it had risen to power as he was deemed the messenger of Allah. With the expansion of his newly formed religion, Muhammad had to put in a set of guidelines to ensure the security of his religion. These guidelines were known as the five pillars of Islam. Unfortunately