
Islamic State: A Rhetorical Analysis

Decent Essays

A clear rhetorical situation that has been pressing in World Politics today is the Islamic State. The Islamic State is a terrorist organization in Syria and Iraq who control vast amounts of territory. Unlike most other terrorist organizations, they are “selling [themselves] as a government for the world’s Muslims” (Hubbard) in order to have more appeal among young, idealistic Muslims. They have an effective propaganda machine, producing quality magazines in many languages, and have a large social media presence. This allows them unprecedented outreach to potential extremists around the globe. They do not see the world in a way that corresponds with most Western interpretations of reality. Islamic State leadership is convinced that the way to …show more content…

Chief among these ideas is “exploiting social media to spread its message and to attract recruits” (Fisher). This is something they have taken in stride, posting “well-produced killings on video” (Fisher) that radicalise many Western born Muslims. It isn’t just effective posting of videos on social media that has contributed to the explosion in size of the Islamic State’s military force, but their ability to convince potential recruits that “ISIS is a thrilling cause and call to action that promises glory and esteem in the eyes of friends” (Douthat). It is difficult for most Westerners to comprehend why young people decide to join radical groups that commit heinous war-crimes, but often the cause is simply that “many human beings, especially young ones, still crave a transcendent purpose” (Douthat). ISIS has done a remarkable job of doing that, convincing many potential radicals, even ones that have no connection with Syria or Iraq, that they will be able to change the world. Their outreach programs have caused a dramatic switch in the reality of those who are potential recruits, even to those that were not religious to begin with. For example, the recent Paris attacks are a good example of this. Hasna Aitboulahcen was one of those killed by police in the raid shortly after the attacks in Paris. She wasn’t connected to Syria or Iraq through either her or her family, and did not practice her religion fervently before her radicalization spurred by the Islamic

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