
Island Journal Entry

Decent Essays
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Journal Entry #1

Hello Journal (or reader if I ever get off this island). My day is over, I just want to go to sleep in my hut, but I feel I should write about this, for the future. I would like to tell you about being here, stranded on an island. It is not fun. Here I am, walking around, then I see a fish. I haven’t eaten for hours so I try and grab the fish. What happens next? The fish bites my finger. I don’t have bandages, so I guess it’s time to make one. You know, being here is really scary. You never know if a huge bird is gonna come out of nowhere and steal all your supplies. Without my supplies, I’d be as weak as a cow that’s been tipped over. Wait, I don’t have any supplies. I don’t like it here-- at all--, but I guess I’ll have …show more content…

Just me and my friend Tikki, oh wait. He left me. That was just sad. Why do I feel like this entire journal entry is just a big depressing story. There are good parts, like when this weird voice spoke to me-- like I was the chosen one or something-- and gave me a motivational talk. It really helped me “get up” after all that had happened to me. I also found a stranded fish, and it restored my hunger, and thirst. Yes, that is right. I enjoyed the fish a bit too much-- found it savory-- and ate it with my heart. It was just SO juicy, and SO good. I miss Lanna, a lot. I keep thinking about her, I NEED her with me. I don’t think I’ll be able to survive this island alone. It is a nice place, but after that disaster hit the world, it’s incredulous that this place even looks how it does. I’m not sure how I survived, how I-- out of thousands-- was the only one to crawl onto this island. I just wish I had some more human friends, here. Thanks for

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