Journal Entry #1
Hello Journal (or reader if I ever get off this island). My day is over, I just want to go to sleep in my hut, but I feel I should write about this, for the future. I would like to tell you about being here, stranded on an island. It is not fun. Here I am, walking around, then I see a fish. I haven’t eaten for hours so I try and grab the fish. What happens next? The fish bites my finger. I don’t have bandages, so I guess it’s time to make one. You know, being here is really scary. You never know if a huge bird is gonna come out of nowhere and steal all your supplies. Without my supplies, I’d be as weak as a cow that’s been tipped over. Wait, I don’t have any supplies. I don’t like it here-- at all--, but I guess I’ll have
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Just me and my friend Tikki, oh wait. He left me. That was just sad. Why do I feel like this entire journal entry is just a big depressing story. There are good parts, like when this weird voice spoke to me-- like I was the chosen one or something-- and gave me a motivational talk. It really helped me “get up” after all that had happened to me. I also found a stranded fish, and it restored my hunger, and thirst. Yes, that is right. I enjoyed the fish a bit too much-- found it savory-- and ate it with my heart. It was just SO juicy, and SO good. I miss Lanna, a lot. I keep thinking about her, I NEED her with me. I don’t think I’ll be able to survive this island alone. It is a nice place, but after that disaster hit the world, it’s incredulous that this place even looks how it does. I’m not sure how I survived, how I-- out of thousands-- was the only one to crawl onto this island. I just wish I had some more human friends, here. Thanks for
"Your name is Andrew. You are 13 years old. You are an orphan. And your life sucks."
The purpose of the song is to connect Australian citizens to Australia as their home. It is broad enough, meaning that other nationalities can relate to the song and relate the song to their home. However, the main audience of for the text are native, Indigenous Australians and Torres Strait islanders since the song was written in their view. This song can also be an audience for refugees and/or immigrants of any country. Christine Anu is born in Cairns, North Queensland of Torres Strait Island descent, Australia's premier urban-style pop singer. Christine Anu's connection to with her family heritage was the time her father pulled out his guitar, put downward the mats on the veranda of the family home, and encouraged a family sing-along, singing island songs. Her version of Neil Murray's Warumpi Band "My Island Home” the song which has come Anu's trademark was released three months later, as a prelude to the release of the May, 1995, album Styling up. "My Island Home" was the winning 'Song of the Year' at the 1995 APRA Awards 3 and Styling' Up winning an ARIA Award for Best Indigenous Release.
Barrier Islands are very so hard to protect, therefore, there should be different kinds of information that would help the community distant from these Coast's to commit to preserving a Barrier Island. first of all historically these barrier islands have been hard to protect because the links between them an inshore ecosystems are poorly recognized. some of the ways resolve this issue include putting signs up roads that lead to the coast, putting Billboards up making tissue blown up on a big board, sending mass text out like they do with Amber Alerts, creating symbols or texts on the roads themselves like we have with turn signals, putting more information on local channels for TV, putting Flyers up at local restaurants or bars,
Well I’ve almost survived the first whole month of this journal but I dunno if I can do it much longer. It is just doesn’t seem like me and makes me think about a lot of depressing things that I’ve gone through. I grew up through the time I worked on E Block. I started off as a man that was cranky and didn’t care about the inmates or much at home but after everything with John I was thankful for my family and actually listened and gained a heart for some people I wouldn't usually believe in
Barrier Island is a low edge of sand that is parallel to the mainland with a distance of 2 to 19 miles’ off the shoreline, 300 barrier islands border the shore of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Padre Island, Texas. The barrier island defends the coast from the full power of storm waves. In the central of the barrier island and the mainland is a peaceful lagoon or a bay. Mainly most of these barrier island are 0.6-3 miles wide and amid from 9-18 miles long. The highest structures example of barrier island are sand dunes with the height of 16-33 feet; however, in some places the dunes can reach the height of 100 feet. Few barrier islands are initiated as spits that were then detached from the inland by upsurge corrosion, rising of sea level resulting
The earliest people believed to come to the Hawaiian Islands were Polynesians from the Marquesas and they came between 500 and 750 A.D. Later, in 1000 A. D., the Tahiti came. The Tahiti brought over the belief in gods and social hierarchy, resulting in the hawaiian people following a Kapu system. In `1778, James cook, the first westerner to reach the Hawaiian Islands, paved the way for other explorers to come. James cook name the Islands the “Sandwich Islands” so show gratitude for the Earl of Sandwich. Cook dies a year later because of Hawaiian conflicts on Kealakekua Bay. In 1795, King Kamehameha led a campaign through the Hawaiian Islands, capturing and uniting all the islands under his monarchy in 1810. During his conquest, many ships anchored
If you were thrown overboard a ship and had to survive in the freezing water of the Atlantic Ocean, how would you do it? How would you survive that? Anyone to ask me that question would receive a strained, “I don’t know?”, accompanied by an odd look. What person goes through that and lives? In The Speck of the Sea by Paul Tough, he details for us the experience of John Aldridge; a middle-age fisherman from Montauk who with only the clothes on his back and his brain survived for hours in the salty Atlantic. The telling of his experience is an exciting story that really shines a light on the human spirit, specifically on our willpower and resourcefulness.
His entire life was filled to the brim with challenges to overcome. And yet he always found a way to jump the hurdle that is life. The Bird, whose overall goal was to break Louie, could not even dent the surface: “The Bird continued to beat him, every day. As his attacker struck him, Louie bore it with clenched fists and eyes blazing” (258). He was knocked down repeatedly; however, Louie could not be broken. Louie’s resilience as a POW was his key to entering the house of survival: “He felt his consciousness slipping, his mind losing adhesion, until all he knew was a single thought: ‘He cannot break me’” (302). All of the mind strengthening conversations and on the raft proved useful throughout his experience as a POW, and Louie’s hopeful attitude lived on. Although his body was shattered, his will remained strong and the ultimate survival cake was made with the perfect combination of resilient, unbroken
One of the most beautiful stretch of beaches on the East coast of Florida; Hutchinson Island is an island off the coast of the Treasure Coast. It is home to 48.1 square miles and also beautiful, tropical weather year round. It has many other interesting festivities such as the Elliot Museum, Sailfish Point, and many royal golf courses. The bold actions of James Hutchinson were a major influence to the growth of the island and it might not be the same without him!
I had never been so happy to see someone. I hadn’t ever been alone for that long. It took a while for either of us to open up about the tragedy but I finally did. Turns out we were on two different parts of the plantation when the wave hit. She was one of the ants who attacked Leiningen. She went on to tell me that they had Leiningen down for a few second then out of nowhere he got back up and took off. It really kills me to think we were that close to winning. How many more bites could it have taken for me to have all of my friends and family
The thing that I miss most about summer is King's island. I had a pass so I could go when I wanted to and it was always a fun time. It is a good time to hang out with friends and go on rides. My favorite ride there is the beast because it isn’t too bumpy and it has a ton of sharp turns and caves. It also is slightly scary with all of the fake warning signs. The food at Kings Island is also decent so I wouldn’t have to go get lunch. If I get tired of the rides then I can go on the water rides and the wave pool. The water rides don’t usually have the longest of lines if you get there early but if not then they are worth it. My favorite overall is the Tropical Plunge. This ride has the drop shoot, You stand in a vertical tube and you wait for the countdown and the floor drops underneath your feet. You then shoot down the tube and you make it to the end. All of these factors make Kings Island a very fun place, and the thing that I miss the most from summer.
The sounds of the birds was unpleasant, it was endless cries and screeches. As I looked around, I realized that I was just in a plane crash in the middle of the Amazon jungle. Immediately a panicking thought was in my head, Dakota, Mark, Leo, where are you!. A small voice came from the other side of the plane wreck, it was Leo and Mark, “ where’s Dakota, Mark had a horrid look on his face, “I- I don’t know I thought he was with you or something” “ look!” said Leo he’s over there, “ what where” said Mark and Trent under the that sheet of metal, they swiftly went over and pulled him out under the metal. “Hi guys you found me”, “of course we did said Leo, can you stand up through”, “yes just grab my arm”. They slowly lifted him up. “ now what? Said Mark”, Grape all the supplies we you can said Trent”. As they moved around picking anything they could use, they all dropped the items into a pile. Duct Tape, a hunting knife kit, a fire starter, little food, and a flare gun. “Come on we need to get moving, if you want to get help” said
These examples show both the author’s and the protagonist’s challenge to the order of things and the complete belief the character has. The best example of this is on line eight when the king says that he ‘shall not give you the boat’ the man replies ‘with calm assurance’ ‘you will’.
The average U.S. citizen emits about four pounds of municipal solid waste each day. While this number may seem insignificant, think about approximately four pounds multiplied by our current population of about 318.9 million, or the population of Earth, 7.125 billion. With this in mind, think about all of the other detrimental effects we are causing to our planet. Most humans are not concerned for our planet, nor do we care about other species inhabiting Earth, which may lead us to consider other ways of living, such as Nash’s idea of an island civilization.
It was a long trip i thought and i was hungry, it took us 3 hour to get there i would