
Isolation And Insanity Go Hand In Gothic Literature

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In gothic text, ‘isolation and insanity go hand in hand’. This can be seen in gothic literature such as Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and short texts, “The Masque of the Red Death” by Edgar Allan Poe, “The Temple” by Joyce Carol Oates and “The Outsider” by H. P. Lovecraft.

The famous novel, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte is about the life of a young woman called Jane Eyre. The novel takes us through her life at Gateshead Hall to Lowood Institute and Thornfield Hall where she works for Mr. Rochester, Jane’s love interest. Just before the marriage between Mr. Rochester and Jane, it is revealed that Mr. Rochester is already married to an insane woman, Bertha Mason, who he keeps locked away on the third floor.

This novel shows many prime examples of how ‘isolation and insanity go hand in hand’ in gothic literature. The first example is how ‘insane’ people were treated in the Victorian era. To a modern …show more content…

Due to the death of the love of his life, Lenore, the narrator has isolated himself in his chambers. A mysterious raven flies through his window and replies to all of the narrator's questions with the only word he knows, nevermore. As the poem continues we begin to realise the narrator is a little insane but it is only when he starts to ask about Lenore that we realise he is truly insane. “Tell this soul with sorrow laden, if within the distant Aidenn, it shall clasp a sainted maiden whom angels names Lenore - clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore. Quoth the Raven ‘Nevermore’” We can see through this quote that the narrator's desperation to see Lenore again is growing. The isolation from Lenore and the rest of society cause the narrator's insanity to grow, showing us that insanity and isolation go hand in hand. Poe is trying to urge to wonder if our questions need answering. He is also saying that when experiencing grief, seek help and

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