
Isolation In Days Gone Bye, The Others, And Survivor Type

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Isolation is portrayed in way of horror and dread for the protagonist of a story. This is the case for the protagonists in The Walking Dead: Days Gone Bye, The Others, and “Survivor Type”. In these stories a sense of horror and dread are created because in the protagonist's’ isolation, they are forced to process their current situation, then their decisions can be irrational or harmful to themselves. By the end they realize how trapped they are and become desperate to find hope or become accepting of their horrid fate. At the beginning of their stories, the protagonists have to process their current situation by their own understanding of their unlikely circumstances. Grace in The Others had the unlikely circumstance of her children thinking that their house has ghosts in it. After she hires …show more content…

In The Others, when Grace has suspicions that her manor is haunted she goes outside into the fog to find a priest to bless her house even after many warnings that the fog is dangerous. She becomes terrified and screams hysterically (Amenábar). This rash decision leads her life to be endangered by getting lost in the thick, murky fog. Also, in Days Gone Bye, Rick makes the dangerous choice to go into the city where he has been warned the Walkers are. He does this so that he can find his wife and son but risks his life being surrounded by walkers (Darabont). This rash decisions proves a danger to his life and his families if he is not able to find them and protect them. Lastly, in “Survivor Type” after Richard Pine breaks his ankle in between two rocks, he makes the very dangerous and horrific decision to amputate it (King#). This rash decision threatens to end his life by bleeding to death, alone on the beach. In these stories all of the protagonists’ make dangerous, rash decisions to help loved ones, or to possibly save

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