Isolation Within everyday life, there are many distinct, powerful emotions that citizens of society can embody. The concept of isolation, and its dangers have been around since human life first began. Isolation can be a helpful concept at times in moderation; however there are many cases in which it can progress beyond a threshold can cause harm and emotional agony. John Steinbeck does a brilliant job illustrating effects of loneliness within three characters who suffered greatly. In the novel, Of Mice and Men, Crooks, Curley’s Wife, and Candy all suffer great isolation at the hands of racial discrimination, sexism, and loneliness. To begin with, the segregated black man, Crooks, illuminates the evident presence of racism living in the time of the Great Depression. …show more content…
Throughout the story, Curley’s wife is always wandering around, attempting to find Curley. On all of her stops, she initiates conversations with any man she finds. Knowing that Curley is a jealous man, in addition to being the boss’s son, the men refuse to associate with Curley’s wife for fear of a misunderstanding with grave consequences. Often, the men suspect her of desiring an affair due to her unhappy marriage. In all reality, it is Lennie’s discovery that she is truly a lonely woman, trapped in a tumultuous union, and surrounded by men. This feeling of isolation and constant desire for company is amplified by her regret due to her mother’s restriction of becoming a successful actress. “ ‘Coulda been in the movies, an’ had nice clothes-all them nice clothes like they wear. An’ I coulda sat in them big hotels, an’ had pitchers took of me. When they had them previews I coulda went to them, an’ spoke in the radio, an’ it wouldn’ta cost me a cent because I was in the pitcher. An’ all them nice clothes like they wear. Because this guy says I was a natural.’
While Crooks, a victim of racial prejudice, expresses his isolation openly, he also socializes with the other workers on the job and while playing horseshoes with them. Curley’s wife, on the other hand, cannot talk to anyone without suffering the consequences of a jealous husband: “I get lonely,’ she said. “You can talk to people, but I can’t talk to nobody but Curley. Else he gets mad. How’d you like not to talk to anybody?” (87) More specifically,after meeting him that same night, Curley’s wife ran away from home to marry Curley to spite her mother. She further confessed to Lennie she doesn’t even like Curley. As a result, she left one situation hoping to move closer to capturing her dreams, but her companion’s jealous and violent behavior prevents her from even socializing with others.(88) Therefore, she went from living with multiple people to living with only Curley, who is supposed to be her companion and someone she
Curly and his wife act out often and are constantly wanting attention. This can be seen on page 86. "I never get to talk to nobody. I get awful lonely." Curley's wife also shows us in the book her loneliness and cries for attention. Another example, She says, “I never get to talk to nobody. I get awful lonely.” Her marriage with Curley did not make her happy, but it made her feel terrible and unworthy. She has wanted to become a movie star her whole life, but never got the chance. She is also getting avoided by fellow ranch workers because she always causes trouble and brings
David Chase a writer for the show Sopranos once said, “I said it's a cold universe and I don't mean that metaphorically. If you go out into space, it's cold. It's really cold and we don't know what's up there. We happen to be in this little pocket where there's a sun. What have we got except love and each other to guard against all that isolation and loneliness?”. Like society today, in Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men there are many outsiders. Ranging from women to people of color. People with differences are looked down upon. Every character is an outsider in their own way. Steinbeck uses the outsider to prove isolation occurs when people have differences.
Lennie and George end up employed on a ranch and begin to realize that every man is for himself and that nobody is truly happy. They come to know a character referenced throughout the entire book as “Curley’s wife”. Being the sole female on the ranch, she is often referred to in derogatory terms because of her flirtatious personality (Steinbeck 28). She approaches the other men and “stirs up trouble” (77) which in the end leads to Lennie’s death. Being the wife of an arrogant and egocentric man, Curley’s wife tries to cure her loneliness by finding solace in other men. Knowing her future is bleak, Curley’s wife risks the dangers of the other men’s lives by trying to find someone like her. She lures Lennie into her world, telling him about how lonely she is and the future she could’ve had as an actress (86). Her solitary life drives her to put Lennie in danger and ultimately end her and his life. Curley’s wife and another one of the ranch hands talk about how “maybe people are just afraid of each other” (35). The fear of missing out (FOMO) drives people to make irrational decisions when feeling lonely which happened to both Daisy and Curley’s wife..
Barbara Sher once said, “‘Isolation is a dream killer’” (qtd. in Wishcraft). In his novella, Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck scrutinizes the effects that alienation can have on society. Many characters experience loneliness throughout the novel. He illustrates the results of individuals becoming isolated from their peers. In Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck portrays characters alienated from society in order to illustrate the harmful effects of loneliness caused by discrimination.
She has a big dream to become a movie star and when her mother did not let her go, she settled with marrying Curley. She does not love Curley and is very unhappily married. She only gets the wrong attention from the men at the ranch, and being the only woman makes her have no one to relate to. “‘Wha’s the matter with me?’ she cried, ‘Ain't I got a right to talk to nobody?’” (Steinbeck 86). Curley’s Wife does not understand why she is treated like there is something wrong with her. Giving the other men at the ranch “the eye” is wrong, but she does this because she does not get the attention she wants from her husband. Her loneliness leads to her confiding in Lennie, and ultimately, her
Throughout the novel, Curley’s wife is used as a model of loneliness in order to show the impact of loneliness and isolation on the human mind. For example, she shows
In the story Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, he illustrates that when someone is thought of as being different, they tend to be left in the dust and not taken care of properly. Throughout the book he sets the tone as being negative towards those who might not be fit into the social norms. The characters Crooks and Curley's wife are depicted as being isolated and lonely, almost like they are outcasts because of who they are as people, which suggests that isolation from the world can cause people to yearn for a sense of belonging and lose their self-worth.
Isolation and loneliness can plague even those who socialize with others the most. Although all the main characters in this novel live in such close quarters, and socialize with each other on a daily basis, they are still isolated in their own ways. There are many factors that can lead to loneliness, such as race, intelligence and general appearance. The constant fear of being lonely, can also lead a person to be even more isolated. In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, isolation and loneliness are evident through several key characters; Crooks, George, and Candy.
At some point in one’s life there is not only contentment or grief, but a state of loneliness. Loneliness is a part of human life, although some suffer from isolation more than others. Being lonely can lead to depression or create a different persona in oneself. Struggling through isolation can eventually kill one’s soul, expecting no hope or ending up in dangerous situations. The novella Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck portrays the theme of loneliness especially through two characters. Crooks and Curley’s wife experience the state of isolation as they crave for a friend or someone they can talk with. Steinbeck urges readers to feel pathos when analyzing Crooks and Curley’s wife through the nature of their isolation, their actions and
Through her actions, Curley's Wife shows that she is lonely. Curley's Wife says to the men, "I'm lookin' for Curley" (Steinbeck 31). This quote represents that Curley's Wife is trying to be evasive, saying that she is searching for her husband but what she really demands is attention. In the barn with Lennie it appears that she needs companionship when she is sharing with him about her past. Curley's Wife talks about how she could be in the movies (Steinbeck 88). This passage suggests that she is sad that there aren't a lot of people around her because that is what it could be like if she was in the movies. Through the words about her husband Curley, she shows she needs companionship. She discloses that she doesn’t like Curley because he doesn’t let her talk to anyone but him (Steinbeck 87). This quote proposes that Curley isn't a very favorable companion because he isn't likeable and he doesn’t let her converse with anyone. During the novel Curley's Wife shows she is lonely and needs companionship through her feelings, her actions, and other
Curley’s wife constantly complains how lonely she is as Curley is not around most of the time. This drives her to wander about the ranch talking to other men and questioning them about Curley's whereabouts. As most of the men are in town, Curley’s wife wanders to the barn where Candy, Crooks, and Lennie are currently located. The men question why she is there and see her as a nuisance. But, she stays and discusses her struggles with loneliness. “‘I get lonely,’ she said, ‘You can talk to people, but I can’t talk to nobody but Curley, else he gets mad. How’d you like not to talk to nobody’” (Steinbeck 87). In other words, Curley’s wife is left alone by Curley so much that she feels the need to talk to anybody that she finds. This is why she wanders about the ranch all day and talks to any men she can find. This demonstrates how women were treated during this time; they were thought to be unimportant and were often left alone by their spouses. Curley’s wife did not have a name, which shows how unimportant she really is. Women were thought to be of no use, leaving them to not have the ability to achieve the American dream.
‘..Guys like us that work on ranches are the loneliest guys in the world they got no family they don’t belong no place.’ This is what many felt during the ‘great depression’ in the 1930’s. John Steinbeck gives us the sense that many felt lonely ‘they got no family they don’t belong no place. The main theme of this novel is alienation; the three characters, Curley’s wife, candy, and crooks are all alienated, and felt it by another person at some point. They all have dreams... it’s the American dream... but not all dreams come true...
Curley’s wife is a lonely and Naïve, and that makes her an easy prey. She is the only woman on the ranch she is a lonely woman. Her husband, Curley, is a mean and over powering man, uses her to pick fights with other guys. He is a terrible husband who not only is mean to his wife but also leads us to believe that he beats her up. Curley’s wife usually would listen to her records but Curley even breaks those. Her flirtatious nature is what gets her into trouble, and that also leads her to her death. Lennie is a gentle giant who doesn’t mean to hurt anybody but accidentally does. In the case of Lennie, Curley’s wife does not know what she is getting in for. Curley’s wife flirtatious nature is a harsh reality but as an innocent person get her in to trouble.
Isolation occurs when one does not have a support system where they can talk and express their thoughts and emotions. Isolation in the novel Of Mice and Men highlights the effects of human nature by portraying it as something social and dependant on others rather than individuals first. This is shown by the characters when they get affected by isolation and become destructive, delusional, and desensitized from other people.