
Isolation In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Isolation Within everyday life, there are many distinct, powerful emotions that citizens of society can embody. The concept of isolation, and its dangers have been around since human life first began. Isolation can be a helpful concept at times in moderation; however there are many cases in which it can progress beyond a threshold can cause harm and emotional agony. John Steinbeck does a brilliant job illustrating effects of loneliness within three characters who suffered greatly. In the novel, Of Mice and Men, Crooks, Curley’s Wife, and Candy all suffer great isolation at the hands of racial discrimination, sexism, and loneliness. To begin with, the segregated black man, Crooks, illuminates the evident presence of racism living in the time of the Great Depression. …show more content…

Throughout the story, Curley’s wife is always wandering around, attempting to find Curley. On all of her stops, she initiates conversations with any man she finds. Knowing that Curley is a jealous man, in addition to being the boss’s son, the men refuse to associate with Curley’s wife for fear of a misunderstanding with grave consequences. Often, the men suspect her of desiring an affair due to her unhappy marriage. In all reality, it is Lennie’s discovery that she is truly a lonely woman, trapped in a tumultuous union, and surrounded by men. This feeling of isolation and constant desire for company is amplified by her regret due to her mother’s restriction of becoming a successful actress. “ ‘Coulda been in the movies, an’ had nice clothes-all them nice clothes like they wear. An’ I coulda sat in them big hotels, an’ had pitchers took of me. When they had them previews I coulda went to them, an’ spoke in the radio, an’ it wouldn’ta cost me a cent because I was in the pitcher. An’ all them nice clothes like they wear. Because this guy says I was a natural.’

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