
Isolation In The Underground Man

Decent Essays

Over seven billion people populate the Earth, however, something everyone at one point in their life feels is complete isolation or disengagement from the others around them. Everyone has felt the pain of feeling lonely, everyone knows what it is like to feel as if they are alone in this world; the world that has over seven billion people. While most people only feel this loneliness for short periods of time, many feel it for long periods of their lives; in many works of literature this isolation and pain is extremely evident and harsh. Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Jason Reitman, both used literature and film to perfectly exemplify the struggle of being isolated in one’s life. Dostoyevsky’s The Underground Man presents an “Underground Man” who has …show more content…

He displayed narcissistic and self deprecating behavior, and took pleasure in the fact that he was so aware of himself; so much so, he believed he needed to separate himself from society to not overpower others. The Underground Man could not find a middle ground, just like Ryan Bingham who could not find a safe and comfortable place to land. He saw the highs and lows of things, but never an even middle. According to the Underground Man, “the only gain for civilization for mankind is the greater capacity for variety of sensations- and absolutely nothing more,” he saw the world to be subordinate, he believed his intelligence was too much for society. The Underground Man forced himself to be lonely, isolated and scattered. He stated that “even though your mind is working, your heart has been blackened by depravity and without a full heart, there can be no full, genuine consciousness” (27). The Underground shows human nature of being competitive and always wanting something more, something better. He entirely lost sympathy to those around him because he was to competitive in nature to allow someone to be smarter than him, so he instead isolated himself. The Underground Man exemplified weak relationships with God, he showed how humans strive to be the best so hard, they forget who they truly are and the importance of the people around for simple

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