Issues in Business Management and Economics Vol.1 (3), pp. 047-060, July 2013 Available online at © 2013 Journal Issues Original Research Paper The adoption of mobile phone: How has it changed us socially? Accepted 7 July , 2013 Augustine Addo Institute of Entrepreneurship and Finance, Department of Entrepreneurship and Finance, Kumasi polytechnic, P. O. Box 845, Kumasi, Ghana. Author Email: Tel: +233263928024 Mobile phone use has changed from a percieved item of luxury to an every day necessity for many people. This study therefore examined how the adoption of mobile phones has impacted in changing the behaviour and attitude of …show more content…
Despite drawbacks in technology upgrade, mobile usage continuous to rise for a variety of reasons depending on age group (Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association, 2012). Although the mobile phone market is the most vibrant for the years below 25, its usage is welcomed among all sections of the population from old age to office executives, homemakers and students (Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association, 2012). A quarter of the population, aged 18-24 are claiming that mobile phones are more important than TV, MP3 player and games console (Heeks, 2008). While under-25s are seen to use their mobile phones mostly for keeping in touch with their peers, parents use their mobile phones to keep tabs on their children, grandparents use theirs to bridge relationships with their grandchildren and working population use it to co-ordinate office work from home (Kushchu, 2007). It seems appropriate to analyze mobile phone usage with vigor comparable to that given to the internet. In Ghana there is little or no documented evidence of the social impact of mobile phone on social interactions and business. Given the importance of mobile communication, the study seeks to fill the void by seeking to find answers to the following question: what is influence of mobile phone on our social relationship and its impact on
Cellphone Controversies In the article, “Cell Phones and Social Graces,” by Charles Fisher, Fisher talks about how people are slaved into their cell phones and how many people allow it to impact their lives. Fisher’s main idea in this article is that cell phone technology nowadays ruins people sociological and cultural actions and is also a reason why he refuses to have a cell phone of his own. Fisher uses his own personal experiences and his observations to support his main idea on how people allow a cellphone device to impact their daily lives. Fisher gives personal examples to support his main idea when he talks about not owning a cell phone and explains how distracting it is nowadays to own a cellphone compared to a few years ago.
“The digital revolution has clearly produced a large number of innovative products and services. Some of them have become multibillion pound companies and transformed a significant part of our lives” (Document 9). “Technology deserves some credit for lifting the institutional and bureaucratic barriers that often limit creative talent. In any area of creativity, creative products tended to be judged mostly by formal experts on the subject-matter. And as sensible as their views might be, they will also be affected by biases, politics and errors of judgment” (Document 9). All of this, when you boil it down means that cellphones are useful tools and should be treated as such and otherwise maximize your
Campbell and Rich Ling also demonstrate some of the unintended and transformative social consequences resulting from the mobile phone when stating, “social change that come out of the diffusion and use of mobile telephony, including changes in how people coordinate their daily lives, carry out social relations, make private use of public space, etc” (Campbell and Ling 602). Therefore, the mobile phone also contains politics through its power to drastically alter society and subsequently affect political and social relations by not fixing a problem, but creating a new one. For example, a more outright and negative political implication of the mobile phone can be seen in how it has become increasingly exclusive to only certain social groups due to price barriers affecting lower income families as well as poorer and less developed countries. Consequently, the mobile phone has developed characteristic associated with being political through its external consequences in addition to having inherently political
Sidekicks, Razors, Krazors, BlackJacks, Blackberries, IPhones, and 400 dollar Dolce & Gabbana cell phones are across our nation. The cell phone has grown tremendously over the years in both technology and its appearance from the dorky huge box to a fashion statement. The invention of the cell phone has helped our country as well as others in many ways of communication such as: for business, family, and emergencies. However, people have become negatively addicted to cell phones and are abusing them. The cell phone has taken impact and has attracted those who are younger and materialistic. People use cell phones to achieve social status. With the effect of addiction and social status appeals, the cell phone also impacts the economy. Because
Mobile phones are an entertainment source for many. As well as holding music files, as some phones today are able to do, it will work with a home entertainment system to find programmes of similar interest to files already on the phone and download them as a podcast. The Mobile Life Youth Report, one of the biggest ever social studies to examine how mobile phones have changed the way young people live, was published on 19 September 2008 by the London School of Economics and Political Science. The report discusses how the intimate relationship between user and phone is most pronounced among teenagers, who regard their mobiles as an expression of their identity. "Texting is often used for apologies, to excuse lateness or to communicate other things that make us uncomfortable," the report says. "It offers intimacy of a particularly controlled form, useful for its discretion ... but valued by those who find it difficult to express their emotions more discursively." (19 September, 2008). This is partly because mobiles, unlike landlines, are seen as being beyond the control of parents. But the researchers suggest that another reason may be that mobiles, especially text messaging, were seen as
1.} From a brand-building perspective, television advertising has two particularly important strengths. List and briefly explain these strengths.
The article “Government moves to sell Medibank Private” by Jim McIlroy on April 9, 2014 explains that the Australian government is trying to sell billions of dollars of public asset as Medibank Private to some of the private investors. The question raises in the article is that whether government-owned health insurance company should turn into private-owned or not.
|It is relatively small compared to the overall size of the market. |It is a market controlled by a single seller. |
In today's flattening world it is the use of technology that allows us to do business on an international playing field, to communicate to friends or strangers across the globe, or to have ready access to information, entertainment, or even to purchase products with out ever having to leave your home. The Internet and the cell phone are both revolutionary innovations that have contributed to such a connected society where the aforementioned is possible. So many good things have come about by the introduction and spread of them both. This paper, however, will concentrate on the social psychological effects of cell phones and the Internet and will assess both the positive, and the possibly more important negative impact that they have had
Elasticity of demand tells us exactly how much the quantity demanded would increase or decrease as a result of a given fall or rise in price. An important aspect of a product’s demand curve is how much the quantity demanded changes when the price changes. The economic measure of this response is the price elasticity of demand. The price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded to a change in price, with all other factors held constant.
Abstract: The prices of mobile phones have reduced critically over the decades. Economists predict that if the same situation continues the mobile phones will be even more affordable and indirectly will increase the supply tremendously, and which would include larger sections of the world in imminent future. This article clearly defines how the cost of
A lot has been said about how employees’ use of smartphone can enhance business, but there's much more than just employee productivity. There is a whole world in which smartphone and mobile device use is transforming the way that people like customers, partners, investors interact with the business. There are many ways in which a smartphone can improve a business and how it already improved business. I will now list some.
ABSTRACT The advent of the Global System of Mobile Communication (GSM) in Nigeria has become the order of most day-to-day activities; however, consumers of GSM services through the use of cellular phones are faced with numerous problems in making use of the GSM technology. This study examined the attitude of respondents to the merits and demerits inherent in the use of cellular phones in rural and urban Ogun
The significant development of telecommunication is not only benefiting people who live in the major cities but also to those who live in the developing areas. The people in rural areas can obtain profit from the communications. A London School of Economics professor, examined mobile phone developmental effects and concluded that mobile telephone has a positive and significant impact on economic growth, additionally he emphasized that the impact for the developing countries may be twice as large as in the developed countries (Waverman, Meschi & Fuss, 2005, p.21 cited by Overa, 2006). This condition is happened probably due to the people in the developed countries have been benefited for a long time since they have been using mobile telephony from the 1990s, while in the developing countries they have just recently benefited as a result of the booming of cell phone in the 2000s. Therefore, the impact on economic growth is bigger than in the developed countries.
Let me begin by saying that the advent of mobile phones has been one of the unique features of modern day information technology (IT) technologies. It has been so, for all sections of the people all over the world, particularly those of the business community, traders both big and small. It has given a new dimension to personal communication helping people to be in touch with one another during times of sickness in the family or an emerging crisis. Here in Bangladesh there are yet other specific uses of mobile phones, like monitoring and getting in touch to know the whereabouts of one's near and dear ones during riots and road blocks, vandalism on the streets including the unprecedented traffic jams. Besides, mobile phones also come handy