Italy, known as the birth of Opera has played a role in the progression of music of that country. Starting in the 1500s, the birth of music in Italy was during the Renaissance era, which took a tremendous impact on the role music played in Italy. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, born February 3, 1525 in Palestrina, Italy to a non wealthy family, working on farms trying to make a living. In Giovanni’s early life, it was said that he would sell his family farm products on the streets of Rome, while singing songs. One day, while Giovanni was doing his daily routine of selling farm products in Rome, when the choir master of Santa Maria heard him singing a song and, impressed with the boy’s vocal talents, asked him if he’d be interested in being …show more content…
Agapito, the principal church in his home town. He became maestro di cappella in St. Peter’s papal choir, the Pope was so deeply impressed with Palestrina’s skills that he offered him the position of music director of the Julian Chapel. After leaving the job, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina went on and composed over 500 films over several decades, plus many dozens of classical works. Centuries later after Palestrina’s death, his music still had an enormous impact on the music produced from Italy having similar rhythm but a bit of a switch up according to the composers uniqueness. One of the most well known composer living in Italy at this moment is, Ennio Morricone. Morricone was born in Rome, Italy on November 10, 1928. Different than with Palestrina, Morricone was introduced into music from the start since his father was a jazz trumpet player, who gave the young Morricone his first lessons in music. Later, at the age of twelve, Morricone joined the Saint Cecilia Conservatory to study harmony, where he amazingly completed a four year program in two years and continued studying at the conservatory till 1952, obtaining diplomas in Composition and Band Arrangement, among many
The Italian Renaissance was a movement that occurred between the 14th and 17th centuries. At the end of the 14th century, a handful of Italian thinkers declared that they were living in a new age. They declared that the barbarous, and unenlightened times were over (also known as the Middle Ages) and that the new age would be a “rinascità” or rebirth of learning and literature, art and culture. The major characteristics or feature of the era when it came to the arts were Classicism, Light & shade, Perspective, Realism & expression, and Emphasis on the human body. When it came to the culture and architecture, and learning they referred to the Greek and romans, and Humanism.
There are many types of genres when it comes to Latin music. There is Cumbias, jazz, pop, country, rock, etc. and each have a different element to them making it very diverse. Music is so fascinating in which every type of music has a different rhythm or instrument and even dance to it.
Throughout history, various styles of music have developed to further the evolution and complexity of music, wether it be commissioned by nobility or, composed for the enjoyment of the normal, common populace. English madrigals, though not the longest lasting style, is one such form of music that has had a lasting impact on the continuing composition of music.
Two types of stringed keyboard instrument were available to the household or court musician from the 16th century to the middle of the 18th: the harpsichord and its near relations, the spinet and virginal; and the clavichord.
In a place filled of talented people, Italy was the location in which performance was vital in a rich or important person’s life. Wranke’s article explains how important it was to have talent, in Italy, during the renaissance. The renaissance is known as the rebirth of painting, sculpting, and almost everything we could possibly think off.
Giovanni Palestrina was an Italian composer who was born in Palestrina, near Rome. Giovanni was born on February 3, 1525 and died February 2, 1594. He studied with Robin Mallapert and Firmin Label. Giovanni went to school at St. Maria Maggiore. He spend most of his job in the city. Giovanni was influenced by the Northern European style of polyphony. He played organ for his church that he was deeply into.
Twelve years after the last session of the Council of Trent initiated the slow transition to the Baroque period, Guido Reni was born. The boy from Bologna would grow to become one of the predominant figures of this period that came into existence when he was a teenager. As a classicizing Baroque artist, the almost divine grace and elegance that Reni is able to portray in his artwork marks his presence and contributions to the Baroque era essential, even as his style and the expectation of artists developed and changed. Born to Ginevra Pozzi and music master Daniele Reni during the Holy Year of 1575, Guido Reni was thoroughly immersed in the arts from a young age.
When thinking about the Baroque period, people tend to only associate it with instrumentalists and composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach, George Fredrich Handel and Antonio Vivaldi. However, in addition to such instrumentalist and composers, there are some great vocalists who represent the Baroque period but are not widely recognized today. Carlo Maria Michelangelo Nicola Broschi, who is better know by his stage name, Farinelli, is an Italian vocalist of the 18th century and one of the remarkable singers in the history of music. According to Charles Burney, an English music historian, Fairnelli “set off with such brilliancy and rapidity of execution that it was difficult for the violins of those days to keep pace with him… [he] could
Puccini was born in Lucca, Tuscany, Italy on December 22, 1858 in a house in Corte San Lorenzo. This house was where he spent the first twenty-two years of his life at. Being born into a family with 5 generations of music behind it, he had big shoes he had to fill. He was one of seven children of Michele Puccini and Albina Magi. Puccini was just five years old when his father died and wasn’t capable of taking over his fathers job as a composer, organist, and a teacher. After his father died, his mother sent him to his uncle Fortunato Magi, hoping he can help him with his music. Magi considered Puccini as a poor and undisciplinded student and told his mom, Albina, to give up hopes for her son. Most people think it was that Fortunato was actually jealous of Puccini’s talent, an was afraid he might ruin
From the flip of a switch, the Spanish music started. Blasting throughout the house. Here’s how it started..
Born in Marseille, France, on September 4, 1896, Antonin Artaud worked as an actor onstage and in film with works like La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc. He was involved in the surrealist movement as a writer and came up with the idea known as "The Theater of Cruelty," which argued that drama must abandon its emphasis on text and rely on more mysterious, primal expressions of sound, movement and light. Considered among the most influential figures in the evolution of modern drama theory, Antonin Artaud associated himself with Surrealist writers, artists, and experimental theater groups in Paris during the 1920s.
What is your preference when it comes to music? There are a numerous amount of different styles and rhythms in the world today to choose from. Some people are from the oldies era, some from the disco era. From Elvis Presley and the Beatles, to the 80s and up, there is something for everyone. When I turn on the radio, I hear a lot of rap, country, and heavy metal. The one thing I don't hear a lot of is classical. I love classical music. There are two men that stand out and make my goosebumps stand up when I hear their names. Mozart and Beethoven. These are two of the most famous composers of classical music in the world. Between them, they changed the rules of music and drastically enlightened folks with their brilliant minds forever.
Born in December 1858 in Lucca (Italy). He died in November 1924 in Brussels (Belgium). Puccini is the last successor of a family that for two centuries has provided the music directors of the Cathedral of San Martino in Lucca. He was orphaned at the age of five after his father's death. The Lucca community supported the family with a small pension. He started studied music with two of his father’s old learners and Lucca started playing organs in small locals churches. After his mother's death. Puccini fled from Lucca with a married woman, Elvira Gemignani. Finding in their passion the courage to confront the truly enormous scandal achieved by their illegal union, they lived first in Monza. near Milan, where their son Antonio was born. In 1890 they moved to Milan and in 1891 they moved to Torre del Lago, a fishing village on Lake Massaciuccoli in Tuscany. Beginning with his opera, Puccini carefully selected the subjects for his operas and spent a lot of time on the preparation of the text/theme.
Giovanni Gabrieli was an Italian composer born in 1554 and wrote many works in the ‘in between’ stage of Renaissance and Baroque. He was a composer and
Niccolo Paganini was born in Genoa,Italy on October 27th, 1782. As a young boy, he was taught to play the violin and the mandolin by the elder Paganini, which played the mandolin and gained profit from doing so. As he grew up, he was somewhat of a prodigy. He displayed fascinating music talent and was also taught by the best teachers in Genoa. Given his talent with the violin, he could’ve became an inspiration. He was widely known because he was a travelling performer. Niccolo’s reputation was raised due to a concert within Europe.