
Italian Tax Mores Case

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Italian Tax Mores is a case study that follows the approach of increasing the tax revenue. The Italian tax approach feels they deserve more tax amount and the American banking system struggles to deal with a greedy Italian tax authorities. I will be explaining about the Italian taxes in regards to a Kantian approach based on ethical reasoning. The Kantian ethical theory calls for this course of action under the circumstances of forming a judgment about the case study using Kant’s three categorical imperatives. I will be formulating an argument based on why the American style tax system was morally correct, and how the Italian system needs to make changes to the new American banking system in Italy. In a brief description of the Italian Tax Mores, the case study starts out by saying that the Italian tax system and the United States tax system are similar, since they both only have “legal tax structure and tax rates” (Kelly 54). There are two options in regards to filing taxes, the American style and the Italian style. Each of these options have sub-option to back up the information. The American style was created for the Italian government to provide extra taxes, which the firm was eventually …show more content…

The Americans started off on an immoral basis by not adhering to the Italian local customs. The local regulations decrease may cause a tax burden. In the end, the general manager sent the Italian revenue service a check for the full amount of taxes due, even though the due date for the payment was almost six months later (Kelly 56). Paying this money resulted in penalty and it should have been avoided. The only option was to fire the American manager and hire an Italian manager who would follow the company’s commands of the Italian advisors. This is ethical wrong because the Italian banking system did not treat the American managers with respect for the persons and the

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