iTech 1005
Business Information Systems
Tutorial 6
Assessment Task
Tutorial – Friday 10.30am - 12.30pm
Case Study 1: Cloud computing 1. Are the security arrangements for data and applications stored in the cloud the responsibility of the user or the vendor?
I believe that the responsibility lies on both the user and the vendor to arrange appropriate security arrangements for the data and applications stored in the cloud. Cloud computing helps computers keep their storage capacities lower by breaking the physical bonds between IT infrastructure, but it allows security threats to personal information being hacked or leaked if the security is not looked after appropriately.
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The Olympics should be very concerned with reducing its carbon footprint to help set a good representation of their reputation whilst making history all at the same time.
Environmentalist groups insist that the Olympics should do what they can to help preserve the environment and support sustainability. As the Olympics use a lot of resources to set up the games, unfortunately they are used only for a short period of time so by reducing their carbon footprint they will therefore save money and the planet if they decided to use more environmentally products and recycled materials that could then be recycled when the games are finished rather than go to waste. This would then show the world that they are contributing to establishing a long sustainable planet and set an example for everyday people.
4. What could the Olympics do to help shed light on global environmental enterprise issues?
The Olympics could help raise awareness on global environmental enterprise issues by opening up and asking the world to help out by going green. To encourage others to do this they would have to prove that they are involved and passionate about the subject too. They can prove this by using smaller and more sustainable and environmentally friendly companies as sponsors to encourage other larger companies to follow suit. As the Olympics are worldwide leaders they can help give confidence to us to help in our part in changing the world.
5. How
It can help companies to become environmentally friendly, since they aren’t travelling as much it reduces their
Also they added their environmental concerns and the actions the take to save it by waste
(Schulenkorf, 2012) Athletes have a huge impact on people in society and can lead and direct them through changes for more sustainable practices. Sport teams can unite people from all over the world and have vital control over their decisions. “All hosts of mega events should integrate sustainability at their core. Let us work together so that the motto of all mega events in the future is cleaner, greener and more sustainable.” The World Cup will be known for more than just a tournament, it is a chance to change people’s perfections and influence sustainable ways of life said Milan Verkhunova, Head of Sustainability for the FWC 2018 Local Organizing Committee. Over 100 projects are being implementing to chance health and safety, inclusivity and equality, healthy living and sport legacy areas, as well as acting in biodiversity and environment protection.
“Beijing organized the 2008 Olympic Games with the slogan, “Green Olympics, Hi-tech Olympics and People’s Olympics”. This slogan illustrates the determination of the Chinese government to offer an environmentally friendly yet impressive Olympic event.The 2008 Olympics “helped shape and foster a greater environmental awareness among the public and was an opportunity to showcase China’s commitment to growing in an environmentally sustainable manner. During the bid phase, Beijing set ambitious goals to improve the city 's environment. The goals ranged from addressing air and water quality and waste management to introducing environmental considerations in the development of new
Overall, my strategy will focus on appealing to logos. By using numerous statistics and data to reinforce the reality of our earth’s state to the audience. Presenting reason paired with a well-structured argument will hopefully make the audience gain a new perspective about environmental sustainability. Focusing on logos to argue my purpose helps the audience understand the situation and lead them to better actions. I will also appeal to pathos and ethos to support my main strategy. The facts will create credibility and by appealing to the audience’s emotions will help stress the importance of the issue and help gain the attention of the audience.
Our company wants us to be mindful of the environment when carrying out our work. In our hotel we all recycle; we reuse scrap paper for note paper, and we also have bee hives on the roof of the hotel. The bee’s numbers are dropping in the UK so we feel obliged to help look after them. We also use local suppliers who are keen on reducing their carbon emissions. As well as all of these, we do our best to keep electricity and water use to a minimum.
I would say yes they should become more involved in sustainability. As many will view this is a positive move that many fans revel in because they want to preserve and protect the environment. Furthermore, when they see the sport or business they enjoy going in that direction they are more apt to continue to be loyal and support it. NASCAR being the type of sport it is and utilizing much pollution to the environment further increases the need for the sport to become environmentally aware and adopt some new methods in which to promote sustainability within the sport. In addition, this will further prove to its fans that they are concerned for the fans safety and wellbeing as well as the environment in which we live.
The negative impact of recent Olympic Games on the host country has caused controversy on whether this event is sustainable. The Olympics have a huge impact on the economic, social, and environmental aspects of the country, but the multiple viewpoints show that everyone perceives these impacts differently. Furthermore, assuming that one aspect brings positive impacts to the country, there is always a chance that another aspect is influenced differently. The cost of the Games is one of the largest impacts on the country, and the Olympic Games in 2008 cost $42 billion alone ( Additional factors, such as the pollution caused or the drawbacks of tourism, have also led the media to question whether the Olympics are worth the
importance of sustainability and green living. The work the OES does in terms of outreach has
This shows how important it is, to let the public knows that their actions actually matters to the world. Especially during my study abroad program, where I travelled to a number of European countries, it is obvious to me that the Northern Europe is way more aware of this situation and their way of living is comparably more conscious of their actions than the current situation in the United States is. Comparably, if the United States can have the same state of mind as these “Green” countries, the ripple effect will be way stronger than those countries as well. This gives me a strong motion to educate my future clients about the impacts they can make and how they can actually do the world a better good.
Many firms are learning that being environmentally friendly and sustainable has numerous benefits. (O.C Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2015). This could enable them to increase goodwill from various stakeholders and also save money in the long term. This will mean that they are being more efficient and less wasteful of resources, which will enable them to be more competitive by satisfying stakeholders. The CEO of
Cloud computing is vast and so are the security threats. When a company opts for cloud computing, it will consider the advantages, but some of the companies fail to consider the vulnerabilities that might lead to data lost and misuse.
There are specific programs run by the Coca cola Hellenic in collaboration with the community to reduce negative environmental impact. This made the company to receive favorable ratings in 2011 in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes that placed them among the 10% of
Marcus Lee is one of the attorneys at Moore & Van Allen, whose expertise is in IT law. One of the major concerns when dealing contract language with the cloud is data security and ownership, says Lee.. Lee further explains that a company wants to have the right to conduct audits of security procedures and data centers. As far as writing a solid strong contract where all parties can live with, Lee makes another suggestion concerning contract language. The attorney states that the contract should ensure the guidelines of data encryption, including “a requirement to be notified immediately of any security breach and a requirement to allow an outside auditor to assess controls and procedures for storing, handling and transmitting data.” These points should definitely be a part of a good contract (Gray, 2013).
Keeping the planet in mind, they developed a global single safer planet/environmental strategy for entire operations across the world. The goal of the group is to reduce their environmental footprint by 15% by year 2015. (Adidas15, 2015)