
Itek Executive Summary

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Who is iTek? And what is it that we can do to better help your company add value? iTek is an all-encompassing company from printing to specialty finishings to distribution, which is a rare thing to find around here. But before we get into the present and future lets start at the beginning. iTek was founded in 2010 by our 3 owners, together they worked hard to create iTek, a commercial print shop for all your printing needs, and take the necessary steps to get us to where we are today.

Now fast forward to the present, iTek’s location is in Concord, North Carolina but we were previously located in Charlotte, North Carolina. The building we currently occupy allowed for us to design the entire inside of the building to our specifications so that we can maximize efficiency of the space and be able to expand for future purchases in equipment and services. On top of an awesome space and great owners, we have a top of the line team of experienced and qualified employees in all areas of operation that are committed to producing quality printing and exemplary customer satisfaction.

In today’s society and in the future, everything is fast paced, technology is constantly changing and advancing, which means new equipment and services are always coming about. As a company that strives to better our customers, we are always purchasing new …show more content…

We can show soft or hard proofs depending on what you prefer, to the last step of fulfillment and mailing (distribution) of your finished project. We are with our customers every step of the way because if we were in your shoes that is how we would want it to

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