Since 1988, Canada has had no laws that regulate abortion, and it is totally legal. This needs to change, it goes against everything in the charter of rights.
First off, it is a proven scientific fact that a fetus in the mother’s womb is in fact a living human being. So when you abort this living being not only are you committing murder but you are violating the Charter under legal rights section 7 which states: ‘everyone has the right to life’.
By saying that, it is okay to kill a human fetus, you are saying it is not a person and therefore has no rights, which is not the case. Even if you believe that a fetus isn’t a true person, it is a living being. In our society, even though animals and pets are not humans, they have immense worth because they are living. So why should it be any different for a fetus.
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But because the baby is still inside the womb, it is deemed morally ok? That just doesn’t make sense. Due to the Canadian government not acknowledging killing the fetus in the womb as murder, it is actually going against the section under the charter which states:
‘Every individual is equal before and under the law, and has the right to equal protection, without discrimination based on: Disability, race, ethnicity, colour, religion, sex or AGE.
Canadians are discriminating against these babies because they have not been born yet! Which isn’t okay.
Many people argue that abortion should stay legal because a women should have a right to her body. Which I totally agree with, a women should have a right to HER body. However, the fetus is not her body, it is inside her body. The fetus has a different body of its
What is this world coming to? Some people truly believe it is right to kill an innocent fetus. Mothers’ who are old enough to conceive are old enough to support a baby, whether they are barely a teenager or coming to the end of their “golden years.” Regardless of the circumstance, a baby should never be aborted.
Since Parliament has jurisdiction to protect the child within the womb, it cannot make abortion a right. However, the fact that this was matter was taken to Canada’s highest court, and 5-2 decision was made is slowly leading to more freedom of their own body for women.
The fetus has a valuable future, just as we consider children, the retarded or mentally ill to have valuable futures, thus killing a fetus is not morally permissible. Another pro-choice argument is that the fetus has no desire to live and consequently there is no wrongness in killing. Marquis criticizes this viewpoint, as society believes it is morally wrong to kill those who have no desire to live, and those who are unconscious or suicidal (Gedge & Waluchow, 2012, p220).
Right now, thousands of children around the world are in a live or die situation, in which their mother decides whether to keep or to terminate them. There are multiple issues that Pro-Life and Pro-Choice argue about constantly trying to justify if abortion should be legal or Illegal. While the mother has rights, the fetus also has rights.
It has been over 25 years since the Supreme Court of Canada decriminalized abortion. In 1988 the court declared that section 251 of the Criminal Code of Canada, which did not allow women access to abortion services without the consent of a physician, infringed on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. These rights guarantee the “security of person” which the court determined included access to medical care and procedures that include abortion services (Bourgeois, 23). In principle the amendment of this law has been instrumental for women’s rights and their autonomy in reproductive health decisions, but in practice this might not be the case.
In the 19th century, after tremendous progress in surgical processes, abortions were then conducted by surgeons on a wide scale, while medical abortions are used concurrently. However, as abortion technology prospers, legal restrictions came with it. In 1803, a English statute abolished the previously-legal first trimester abortions. The act “condemned the willful, malicious, and unlawful use of any medical substance when used with the intent to induce abortion” (Stern, 1968). In 1821, Connecticut enabled the first statute in the United States regulating abortions. Within 10 years, states like Illinois, Ohio, New York, Alabama, and others enabled abortion restriction statutes, and by 1968, 50 of the 51 jurisdictions in the United States have prohibited abortion except in the case women’s life is endangered (Ibid., at 3). In 1965, Britain, however, legalized abortion for “medical conditions of the mother, for socio-economic reasons, for eugenic considerations, and for pregnancies which resulted from rape or incestuous intercourse”, which is still law today (Ibid, at 4). In Canada, abortion has been legalized since 1969 through Bill C-150 if “a committee of three physicians determined that the pregnancy was a threat to the woman's life or health” (Norman, 2012). In 1988, Canadian Supreme Court struck down bill C-150’s provision requiring committee approval to receive an abortion in its decision R v Morgentaler, legalizing abortion across Canada for any reasons (Ibid.).
Thou shalt not kill; one-tenth of what may arguably be the most famous guidelines of morality in the western culture, and also the main driving force for pro-life advocates. The argument supporting their beliefs typically starts with the premises that a fetus is a person, and to destroy or to kill a person is unethical. Therefore abortion, the premeditated destruction of a human being, is murder, and consequently unethical. I deny the fact that the fetus, what I will refer to as an embryo up to 22 weeks old, has the right to live. The opposing argument is invalid because a fetus, although perhaps a part of human species, is not formally a person. This leaves it simply to be a part of the woman?s body, whose fate lies solely in the
As in other countries, Abortion was once illegal in Canada, and only allowed to be performed on the criminal law principle of necessity to save the life of the pregnant woman. When it comes to 1988, however, Supreme Court of Canada has decriminalised the abortion law since Section 251 (the law regarding to abortion) violated Section 7 of the Canadian Chart of Rights and Freedom, which guarantees the right to live, liberty, and security of the person. Therefore, it is now permitted in Canada for a woman to have an abortion for any reasons which she desires.
gestation. Canada does not have an abortion law, so abortion is governed by the same
Nowadays, a lot of people are debating about whether abortion should be legal or illegal in Canada. In fact, Canada criminalized abortion in the 19th century like most other countries; however, in 1988 abortion was legalized in Canada, though access to abortions has not been equitable across provinces. Abortion should be legal in Canada because it gives women control over their bodies, it prevents over population and it helps people who are not ready to be parents.
Is it ethically/morally wrong to kill any fetus that has the potential to life? Those against abortion would say yes it is. They argue that the fetus is very much alive and should have all the rights of a living person and killing it is like killing another human. In response pro-choice people come up with their own logical argument saying there is no real definition of “Human Being “in the womb .Just because we have living cells in the womb does that mean that their human as well? If killing a fetus is wrong then based on this same theory anti-abortionists have so is cutting off an arm or a leg in cases of accident because they have the same cells that live in the fetus in the womb (Buzzle, June 2012).Furthermore I will say that if this is just about killing then know that human beings kill indiscriminately everyday .These same people who
Abortion is always argued with different cases and play a main role in medical ethics (blackwell.,p291).It is evidently reasonable for some to argue that in moral situation, abortion is a murder and it should be illegal, while others may claim that abortion is woman’s right when concerning on autonomy ( The abortion debate in Australia). Opponents of making abortion legal claim that abortion is a kind of murder on extend of moral situation. It is always regarded as a sin to kill a person who is no aggressor in most moral communities (new ethics 1). Fetus is a biologically human as it is not just a part of the mothers, such as a lung or a kidney. On the contrary, it is obvious that fetus is human due to he or she has genetic code of human and human parents as well (abortion myth p5). Moreover, it has potentiality to be a person with primary moral worth (text book p210-211). As Gillion (new ethics) pointed out, every person has his right to life, especially he is not an aggressor. This point is also been pointed by (Rebecca and john,Blackwell p204), “embryos has a right to life” .The fetus is innocent and
From a young age, there has always been dispute about the ability to make one certain choice that is anything but tiny. Pro-life or pro-choice? Since 1988, Canada has been one of the few countries that has no criminal law restricting abortion. However, according to the national post, in 2012, only 49% of Canadians thought women should be able to have this right. Today, the numbers have obviously gone up – although, they can definitely be higher.
Even though the baby cannot speak or walk yet, it is still a life, and no one has the right to take another person’s life.
A long on-going subject that has been greatly debated in our society is abortion. Many people argue that because the baby in the mother’s womb is not alive, aborting him or her is not considered a murder. However, others say that as the baby’s heart and brain are the first things to develop, the baby is technically alive and killing it would be a murder. As soon as the baby has a heartbeat, it has life. Abortion has many characteristics of a murder, including the killing of one human being by another, it’s unethical, and it is done without the consent of the person.