
It's Time for Americans to Understand that Freedom Isn't Free

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It's Time for Americans to Understand that Freedom Isn't Free

I feel inspired and patriotic every time I see a car’s back bumper sticker featuring an American flag stating, “Freedom Isn’t Free!” The moral clarity of those words rings as true as the Liberty Bell. Those Americans that do not fathom the significance of the motto Freedom Isn’t Free suffer from the very problematic “victim/slave mentality,” which ultimately will become a future reality should more citizens not heed the simple message the sage language conveys. Yes it indeed bears repeating, “Freedom Is Not Free!” Its acquisition from King George’s England involved struggle, its maintenance throughout the first two and a quarter centuries of our Great Republic required …show more content…

“Prevention is always much better than cure!”
Throughout its history the United States has selflessly liberated more people from tyranny than any other civilization and America truly represents the greatest force for good the world has ever known. And following World War II U.S. benevolence financed the rebuilding of Europe and during the Reagan Presidency the world witnessed the decline of the Soviet Empire and the relinquishment of Russian Communism dominating Eastern Europe as democratic capitalism emerged triumphant over its very formidable totalitarian rival.

And even today America has liberated fifty million people in Afghanistan and in Iraq from the Taliban and from Saddam Hussein’s cruel rule but despite the fact that the seeds of democracy have been sown in neighboring Lebanon and in Palestine many critics abroad and at home cynically insist that the U.S. is to blame for conflict throughout the world. These “blame-America-first” skeptics assert that when New York City’s Twin Towers were destroyed on September 11th, 2001 “the chickens came home to roost!” These misguided pundits indeed are modern-day possessors of the “Victim/Slave

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