
Ivan Ilyich Healing Environment

Decent Essays

“Ivan Ilych's life had been most simple and most ordinary and therefore most terrible (Tolstoy, 2008).” This is an accurate illustration of how Ivan ends up dying. But what if there was a healing environment that Ilych could’ve partaken in before it was too late? This essay will discuss and analyze the three concepts in relation to a “healing environment” and its reference to The Death of Ivan Ilych.

One of the concepts perceived in a healing environment is The Seen Environment. The Seen Environment relates to the ideology of the physical world where things are capable of being touched, smelled, sensed, heard, or seen (Shelly, 2006). Something an individual may come across that relates to such environment would be diseases or illnesses. In this case, Ivan Ilych suffered an illness in the seen environment after falling from a ladder while taking part …show more content…

A storied environment declares that everyone lives within God’s story. This includes the creation of mankind, rebellion and sin, redemption and the new creation. A storied environment entangles itself with some positives and negatives. The positives include hope while the negatives include loss of hope from those that are self-destructive or living with no goals. This type of environment allows God’s presence to help us persevere in difficult situations; the ability to communicate hope to patients; recognition that nothing can separate us from God. Ivan Ilych didn’t receive this type of hope directly. Instead he comprehended and understood his own death. By thoughtfully seeking redemption of his actions, not only did he transcend his seen environment to the unseen environment, he fully accepted the unseen environment. This speaks as though it is a storied environment in Ivan Ilych’s last moments. “”Death is finished,” he said to himself. “It is no more!”(Tolstoy, 2008).” From there, Ilych in the midst of a sigh, laid out and accepted

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