Service Ivy Institute of Financial Literacy will offer seminars with presentations and templates on building wealth. As the founder of IIOFL, I will provide a platform designed to provide industry advice in plain language. IIOFL will seek to demonstrate ways on taking inventory of personal finances using a balance sheet. Explaining the components of the balance sheet to determine the client’s net worth.
Management and Financial Management
As a Sole Proprietor, I will managed all responsibilities for Ivy Institute of Financial Literacy. I have over 15 years experienced in management, budgeting, and planning and organization. I have received certification in Public Speaking and Financial Services. I will provide funding for my company. My start-up
Financial education and asset building to be prioritized in schools, workplaces, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) sites, financial institutions and other areas identified;
Just Graduate’s financial planner, Just Graduated has a job and makes $32, 000 after tax per year and he has a $25, 000 school loan. Student debt is to be paid off and monthly combined expenses of $2, 000 every month, with rent. Just Graduated has no credit card and is look for help to help him manage his financial expenses.
In this society, some of the most important things in your life have to deal with money. In Chad Foster’s book, Financial Literacy for Teens, he taught his readers how to save, spend, invest and give away your money. Reading this book has taught me to start saving when I’m young, know the differences of what I need to buy rather than what I want, to make money while I sleep and giving away some of your money will not only help yourself, but help many others as well.
Last semester, I competed for the PricewaterhouseCoopers Competition challenge, in which I was able to work with three women and come with a solution for a problem a company was facing while considering their financial goals and objectives. Moreover, I also interned as Financial Planning Intern for The M Group and Associates. Through this position, I was able to learn more about financial services including investment planning, asset management, employee and executives benefits accounts, retirement planning, and many others. I was able to contact customers and explain different financial services available as well as their benefits and limitations. My Security Analysis Portfolio Management (FIN 421) allowed me to use MS Excel to do portfolio rebalancing, compute accumulated real retirement savings for different return realizations, implement rick parity strategy for backtesting, and be a portfolio manager for a large pension fund and use mean variance analysis to allocate funds across major asset
The idea of adding a financial literacy course into schools curriculums and requiring students to take it before graduating is a current decision being considered by numerous school districts. Supporters of this idea say that it would have a positive effect while the people who oppose this idea state that financial courses don’t work.
Adults haven’t fared any better. In a retirement income literacy survey conducted for The American College of Financial Services last year, 80% of the
Life as I know it is coming to an end. For the majority of my life my parents were generous and payed for my needs and wants, but now that they opened my eyes about paying for for my own needs and wants. This topic about finance is giving me a rude of awakening about how to budget our annual salary or yearly salary with paying for our wants and taking care of our needs. When we were little we thought that money grew on trees or came from magical wishing weld, but facing the truth where money really come from which is hard work and a good education.
17.2 Writing Assignment I aspire to be a financial advisor because I helping people secure their financial future will give my life a greater purpose and impact the lives of many. In order to achieve this goal, the college I would like to attend is the University of Central Florida. This university offers a variety of business majors. The one that would be most applicable to my career would be management. According to UCF’s description
Despite the natural, physical growth of mankind, the expected mental development from adolescence to adulthood requires much more nutrition than a well-balanced diet. Unfortunately, it is apparent that some children are not provided with proper parental guidance during the most crucial years of adult development, and due to this tragedy, the neglected youth relies solely on the state’s public educational system to further develop necessary qualities of a successful adult. Throughout grade school, children are only required to learn the core subjects of English, History, Math, Science, and as well as health related classes such as Physical Education, and although each of these subjects are necessary for basic education, there are far more important
Source 1 would be the best option. It tells of a new approach a teacher in Dallas used to teach his students. 2.) financial literacy is something we need. 3.)
In the article “Teaching Personal Finance to College Students: What Matters to Them,” the author, Elven Riley, reveals how he taught a personal finance course by using real-life situations that his college students would soon encounter instead theoretical situations often found in textbooks. His main goal in doing this was to show that in order to get the students to truly understand these financial concepts, you need to relate it to them and their lives. He used the actual experience, grades, and feedback from his courses to support his belief. This article was quite easy to understand and I felt connected to it because I also tend to understand and learn better when I can immediately see the connection the lesson has to my
It’s no secret that a majority Americans struggle with all things finances. The jargon alone is enough to leave many confused, and with the complexities of modern economy becoming an ever increasing tangled mess, Americans are looking to do something about it. One popular suggestion is financial literacy classes for high school students. While the idea sounds promising, the reality of these classes is rather farfetched. People praise the thought of implementing financial literacy into our school system in order to help kids in their future. This praise is filled with good intentions, but the sad fact is that this is not in a student's best interest.
Many different studies have shown that having a mandatory financial literacy class would not be helpful for students because they think that they know everything when they do not and when tested they don't score any better than those that do take the course. The mandatory financial literacy class is not good enough right not for a changing world. Therefore, students should not be forced into a class that might hurt them in the long run.
Financial literacy should, without a doubt, be a requirement to graduate in every high school. Every year, thousands of high school students graduate and are forced into the real world with no knowledge of financial literacy. How could they be expected to succeed? High schools prepare students to find the perimeter of a garden, write in MLA format, and always keep their shirts tucked in, but fail to prepare students for loans,car notes, or taxes.
Opponents of teaching financial literacy may argue that it has a negligible impact on society, but that is not the truth. Knowing about financial literacy before college is ‘too important to ignore’(Frost,3). It’s crucial for making suitable financial decisions for the future and all of the students are going to use it in real life. In real life, students need to apply this knowledge