
J.L. Cabell’s A Testimony of Modern Science to the Unity of Mankind and the Human Unity Debate

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J.L. Cabell’s A Testimony of Modern Science to the Unity of Mankind and the Human Unity Debate

If there is any one ideal that we can say each individual in the world desires, it could very likely be equality. Over the ages, humans have been particularly interested in the equality between their fellow man. More specifically, man has been more curious about the concept of race and in finding a scientific validation for the noticeable difference between the races. As the field of science gained authority, the search for a scientific explanation for variations in mankind came to a head in the middle of the nineteenth century.

While it was very easy to classify the other forms of life on the planet by species, …show more content…

However, Cabell’s contribution did not come until fairly late in the unity debate. There was a long, slow build-up to the situation before Cabell became involved.

The early nineteenth century saw a heightened interest, particularly in the Southern states of the U.S., in the equality of men relative to the white land owners and their African slaves. In a nation that was founded on a document beginning with “all men are created equal”, it became time to genuinely step back and ask if that “self evident” truth was really applied in real life. After all, if the black slaves were equal in essence compared to their white owners, slavery then becomes a severely moral issue. If there were evidence of genetic difference, then the slave status of the African could be seen as “natural”. (Lurie, 230) Or, if the opposite were believed to be true, and all humans were equal and slavery was abolished, had the Africans been ruined by slavery, what was to be done about racial mixing, how would society recover from this long practice and “conceptualization of race”. (Dain, viii) Scientists on both sides of the argument jumped into the scene toting evidence to support either a unity theory to suggest equality between all humans, or a separate unity theory that seemed to place the races in a hierarchical scale of

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