As we see here they’re many relations to the JROTC curriculum starting with the Appendix Mandatory Core Service Learning Chapter 8 Making a difference with service learning Lessons 1-3 which is where we made sure our project fell under its criteria. then we have Unit 3 Foundations for Success Chapter 10 Lesson 2 goals and goal setting in this lesson we learned how to create a goal and how to plan to accomplish the goal by following the SPAM (specific, positive, attainable and measurable) method. Next we noticed that the project related to the Unit 5 Geography, Map Skills and Environmental Awareness Chapter 3 Lesson 1 Local Environmental Issues and lesson 2 Global Environmental Issues which can be found on the Hard Bound books, here we saw
The Large Kneeling Statue of Hatshepsut displays the progression of art throughout the decades. The Kneeling Statue of Hatshepsut shows continuity through its religious influence, its depiction of royalty, and its connection between nature and human life. Hatshepsut was the fifth pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty of Egypt, but was the second confirmed female pharaoh. As pharaoh, Hatshepsut embraced new building ventures, especially in the range around Thebes. Her most prominent accomplishment was the huge commemoration sanctuary at Deir el-Bahri, considered one of the compositional miracles of Ancient Egypt. Another incredible accomplishment of her rule was a trading endeavor she approved that brought back immense riches, including ivory, coal
Moreover, CYJ is in the process of establishing a new Eco EdVenture Village using globally developed sustainable building and design techniques. To accompany our Eco EdVenture Village, Camp Young Judaea Texas is launching a new curriculum for teenagers that will inform campers about sustainability through the lens of global technology. The Eco EdVenture Village and the accompanying program will work hand in hand to instill the importance of conservation, educate campers on modern approaches to sustainability, and motivate all participants to take on leadership roles
JROTC is a program to help students graduate from high school, help them become a better citizens, and help them grow with their strengths and help build their weaknesses up. JROTC will also prepare students for their future in possibly joining in the army.
A study conducted in 2003 by Ofsted that involved England, Denmark and Finland, showed England’s national curriculum compared to the other two countries was:
The study of ethics, citizenship, communications, leadership, life skills and other subjects designed to prepare young men and women to take their place in adult society, evolved as the core of the program. However, more recently, an improved student centered curriculum focusing on character building and civic responsibility is being presented in every JROTC
The United States Military Academy at West Point, New York is an accredited institution for higher learning and a federal academy that trains undergraduates to becoming commissioned officers in the United States Army. If offers students, referred to as Cadets, a Bachelor of Science degree in thirteen different majors that include economics, mechanical engineering, law, foreign languages, mathematics and history.1 Each major implements a curriculum that develops on the aspects and principles of real world situations but focuses primarily on how one will operate within the Army’s spectrum of operations. West Point, as it is commonly referred to, trains Cadets to become effective and efficient not only in their baccalaureate studies but also as
The mission of JROTC is to motivate young people to become better citizens. In JROTC I want to be physically fit/healthy and disciplined. Skills that will be learned in JROTC will help me in the future as in going to collage like becoming a nurse. JROTC give us many opportunities of having high chances of going to collage. As a cadet I have learned that it takes high standards to being in this unique program. It may be a challenge but it takes hard work and dedication to become great.
Modernism transformed life in Australia across five tumultuous decades from 1917 to 1967 , it spans all aspect of Australian culture including art, design, architecture, advertising, film, photography and fashion. The process of modernisation has had a profound affect, changing our perspectives and the course of our everyday living.
Course content and technology connect in a variety of ways. The Common Core Standards focus on what students need to be able to do by providing standards to help students reach college and career readiness by 12th grade. Students that are college and career ready in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language are able to demonstrate independence and use technology and digital media strategically and capably. However, it is up to the teachers how they want their students to meet these standards. As long as students are able to meet the standards, it is the teacher’s choice how they teach it. Therefore, teaching in the 21st century requires educators to connect content through the effective use of technology in their instruction.
* Influence cadets to work as a team and continue to support of community efforts
The aim of Social Studies is the promotion of civic competence the knowledge, intellectual processes, and democratic dispositions required of students to be active and engaged participants in public life. Proverbs 19:2 (ESV) states," Desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way."For example it is essential for there to be commonalities across the grade levels so that there is a scaffolding of concepts to build from one grade level to the next.
The Australian Higher Education quality assurance framework, introduced in 2000, had the core function to ensure that quality assurance policies added value to the higher education sector and positioned Australia as a major stakeholder in the global trend to towards “for profit” higher education. In 2005, the Australian Vice Chancellors’ Committee (AVCC), after reviewing quality assurance frameworks, committed itself through the ‘code of Practice and Guidelines for Australian Universities, to the principle that; “the provision of education services to international students, both on-shore and off-shore, brings with it the ethical commitment that quality education be provided and that value be given for the investment made by international students”
For this program outcome I chose my curriculum analysis paper from CUR 512, Curriculum Analysis and Planning. In this course we defined curriculum, the aspects that are considered when writing curriculum, the theoretical perspectives found within curriculum, and the goals of the curriculum. By writing this paper, I was able to focus in on a unit that I teach in third grade social studies to get a full picture of the curriculum. I was also able to see the complex issues surrounding the curriculum that I never previously noticed.
Prospective student teachers were required to choose a curriculum document from either the primary or secondary school sector for evaluation. They were required to conduct such an evaluation using the Daniel Stufflebeam’s CIPP (Context, Input, Process and Product) Model. The CIPP Model would be used to determine the usefulness of the curriculum in meeting the needs of the Trinidad and Tobago society. Based on possible weaknesses found in the document, prospective teachers were to offer appropriate alternatives to improve the document’s content and implementation.
Nothing Lasts forever. We are told that since a very young age. There is nothing in the world that can stand up to the test of time. Some deny this and desperately hold on to the idea that they will be the ones to prove this idea wrong. This only forstalls their fall and makes it all the grander. In a short story by the horror and romantic writer Edgar Allan Poe “The Fall of the House of Usher” one character is recognizing his own decay and tries desperately to avoid it. The two main characters, Usher and the unnamed friend of Usher who we read the story though. Ushers friend has been called by Usher, who he has not seen since childhood, to come to his house and try to cheer him up in his sickly days. Ushers friend spend the next days trying desperately to help his friend cheer up from his sickness and will bear witness to Usher’s sisters “death” and the eventual death of Usher himself. The theme that Poe focuses on throughout the story focus on the idea of decay, or more specifically the eventual death and decay of everything. Throughout the short story “The Fall of the House of Usher,” Edgar Allan Poe uses the literary Elements of setting and characterization to develop his theme of nothing lasting forever.