JUST ONE DRINK is an intriguing, seductive thriller. The script is driven by themes about evil, revenge, redemption, and forgiveness. It explores the idea that one can never escape their past.
While there are engaging elements of the script with a potentially complex character in the role of Tamara, overall the script would benefit from more development, especially in the area of structure, pace, tension, as well as further character development.
First, the story opens in the past to set up the backstory. It’s a creative choice to do this, but not essential. The backstory can be revealed through dialogue or through the grandmother’s journal. Consider instead opening up with Tamara seducing or luring a susceptible man to her home. Then
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She has the potential of being a very complex and fascinating character (like in FATAL ATTRACTION or BASIC INSTINCT), but this will require more development. At the end, she acts like she has genuine feelings about Steve, but it’s not convincing.
As mentioned, Tamara and Steve also share no real chemistry with each other and their relationship is never believable.
Steve could have been a more effective and likable character, but he also turns sadistic when he enjoys killing Andrei versus struggling with his moral dilemma. He essentially turned into a sadistic criminal, like the man he hates. The audience never feels empathy for Steve or cares for him. It should be noted that it could have been a powerful character study of watching Steve change from passive to aggressive if this were really his story.
Andrei could be a more deceptive charmer. Why he’s speaking at the school isn’t convincing. He really never says anything that warrants him speaking to a classroom. Elevate his dialogue to be sharper and wittier. His dialogue sounds too forced and contrived in the opening scene when he explains why he’s sadistic. There’s too much
The character grandmother in O’Connor’s story has grounds the reality of the events and drives the family into tragedy. She is a central character in O’Connor’s story and is depicted to be a dynamic character stuck in the old ways. Through her actions and the idea of being stuck in the old ways of thinking, she leads her family into tragedy. Being the main character in the story, Grandmother significantly adds to the development of the plot. The author manages to win the attention of the reader from this character owing to the manner in which she shapes the storyline. Grandmother’s reminiscing of the old ways claims a distinctive curiosity from the reader and helps in
In the aspiring book The Soloist written by Steve Lopez, he proves to his readers that anything is possible with hard work, dedication and the well being of friendship. In the book, Steve Lopez plays a tremendous role during Nathaniel's recovery. Steve was a very a kind a compassionate man who was patient with Nathaniel in time of need, but in the movie, Steve seemed like a completely different person. In the movie, Steve only seemed to be helping Nathaniel for his article and to promote him as a writer. Is it probable that the media shows how similar situations with different standards apply in daily life as they did with Steve and Nathaniel?
The author’s explanation of the Grandmother’s action at the end of the story is not persuasive. O’Connor states that “in this story you should be on the lookout for such things as the action of grace in the Grandmother’s soul, and not for the dead bodies”
All of this happens within the first few sentences and immediately begins to build the readers suspense. The grandmother in this story, who was never named, seemed very paranoid about taking this trip to Florida with her family. It almost seems as if she had a premonition as to what was to come but what was certain was that she would be dressed to impress so if anything was to happen to her, everyone would know she was a lady. It may have just seemed like
Drinking, A Love Story, Written by Caroline Knapp: Is an insider’s story about fighting the battle of alcoholism and addiction, victoriously winning sobriety. Caroline Knapp fought her addiction for 20 years before becoming sober. “The Drink” as she called it, was her true love. The most beloved form being a good crisp dry white wine, but any form would do. She fell in love with alcohol at a young age and loved everything about it. The smell, the sound of a cork being pulled from a bottle, the cold liquid anesthesia running down the back of her throat after a long day at the office, the routine of drinking, but most of all she loved the way alcohol made her feel.
O'Connor does the same thing here; the grandmother's first action was to convince her son, Bailey, into going were she wanted to go, a selfish act, not a trait that we see a grandmother having. Also she thought out a plan to get what she wanted by acting as if she cared about her family's safety. "Now looks here, Bailey........ see here, read this...Here this fellow that calls himself the Misfit is aloose from the Federal Pen and headed towards Florida and you read here what is says he did to these people(328)." The grandmother's relationship right away to the reader is one that can not be trusted. Throughout the story you now question the grandmother's intentions, are they honest or selfish.
Previous to any danger, the grandmother tends to be very pious and self absorbed. Her concerns are societally founded, such as how she specifically dressed as a high-class lady with the mindset that if she died, anyone would know that she was a lady. Her know-it-all attitude also serves as evidence that it wasn’t entirely natural for her to be
Final, Steve the last character plays a big part in this theme because of his life.
Propaganda is information that may be true or false, used to influence an audience or further an agenda (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). In WWII propaganda posters and illustrations created tension and fears throughout nations, but was useful for victory in war. If your country is going to war will you engage into the propaganda posters and be influenced to support your country against the enemies at war? Propaganda is a successful way to get the public involved during war because it urges the public for a greater effort in war production, instigates hatred for the enemies and support for allies, and persuades information for the sake of protecting a nation.
The author made her very manipulative in order to take drastic measure in for this plot to take a turn for the worst. When the family was on the way to the house, the story became a road block into the grandmother’s self-centered ways and she ended up sacrificing her family’s lives. Because of the actions of the grandmothers lie, her family got into a car accident and landed them into a situation where her whole family got killed. As her family was taken off into the woods, the grandmother was only pleading for her life and not of her families.
Monster: Guilty or Innocent? In the book Monster by Walter Dean Myers, Steve Harmon a black 16 year old who lives in Harlem. He is on trial for being the lookout for the robbery of a drugstore, resulting in the murder of Mr. Alguinaldo Nesbitt, the store owner. At the end of the book, the jury rules Steve not guilty.
I ain’t got nothing between my butt and the ground but a rag.STEVE I hear that”(Myers part 2).This quote shows that Steve some type relationship between King who was involved in the robbery and sometimes friends can get you in trouble.Later on in the novel it says “If I had a crew, I could get paid. All you need is a crew with some heart and a nose for the cash”.This quote shows King talking to Steve about the robbery and he is trying to persuade him into doing to robbery with him.So I think if Steve was never friends with King he would have never worried about that
Teachers guides, facilities and encourage students to become life-long learners during their school years. Besides teaching them academics, we build relationships and community through their school year. Coupled with, create on the student autonomy of their own learning to grow up and become professionals. Equally important, teachers become learners when building those relationships in order to create a culturally responsive classroom. The course Enhancing Learning through Linguistic and Cultural Diversity has shown me the importance of why getting to know the students that we have in the classroom. Dr. Garcia (n.d) explained the importance of using the five R’s not only in the classroom, but also in the school environment. In addition, he focused on the importance of getting to know the roots of the students, where they come from, how they were raised, know their culture in order to connect them to the learning.
I understand that, at least for me at the time, drinking was a way of connecting with friends, to socialize with strangers, and to alleviate the shyness. But in hindsight, I noticed there was a change from wanting to needing a drink. It was a way to deal with the tree of work and life itself. Years later now my wife and son are in the picture, I do my best not drink "that much" at home, but still finding a myriad of excuses to do so.
Finally, Steve’s last story was about death. At this point I was thinking he had gone through enough and finally was going to gain the happiness he deserved. Unfortunately I was wrong. He had been diagnosed with cancer. He physically saw that in his scan there was a tumor. He went through everything you have to go to when you get diagnosed. He had planned to tell his children, prepare his loved ones, and set everything out for his family. After all he had gone through to live a happy life, there was the brick he was talking about. Eventually Steve had a miracle. The cancer ended up being cured.