
Jack In Lord Of The Flies Character Analysis Essay

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According to Golding, Jack was described as "tall, thin, and bony; and his hair was red beneath the black cap. His face was crumpled and freckled, and ugly without silliness. Out of this face stared two light blue eyes, frustrated now, and turning, or ready to turn, to anger. (Golding 20)” In my visual, I applied exaggeration to exemplify the characteristics that were used to describe Jack. Other techniques that were applied to this visual is suspension of disbelief and foreshadowing. The mark on each side of the cheek foreshadows the part of the book in which Jack put on camouflage to disguise himself in the attempt to hunt pigs. It also shows the savage nature that Jack have become accustomed to. There are some traits such as the eyebrows …show more content…

He is a leader that questions and examine, and specifically in this case, he challenges and questions the authority that Ralph has. While Jack may not have planned to shift the power so quickly, he did take advantage of the circumstances that was presented to him. When Ralph did not want to participate in the hunt of the beat, Jack sneered at him and said “Frightened?” (Golding 100). Jack is calling out on Ralph and is questioning his capability of being the leader of the group. In addition, Jack called Ralph a coward because “on top, when Roger and me went on--he stayed back” followed with “Who thinks Ralph oughtn’t to be chief?” These actions shows that Jack is question the capability of Ralph and whatever or not he is suited to be the leader of the group. In contrast he is not judging or scheduled because he acts rashly without further planning and thinking. An example would be the scene in which he went hunting for pig with Samneric. Jack did not comprehend the serious consequences of not having the fire lit, and it was during this time that they missed their chance to be rescued. In addition, Jack also punched Piggy in his face cause he was too “annoying,” but it also broke one of the lens of Piggy’s specs. This makes it more challenging for Piggy to see, and it damaged a necessary tool in starting a

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