
Jack Outside Of Room Essay

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Over the summer I read Room, by Emma Donoghue. Jack and Ma, Joy, have lived in Room for as long as Jack can remember it's all he's ever known. To Jack outside of Room is TV land, space, and Old Nick. But Jack is 5 now and he's ready to know about the world, days when Sunday treats aren't just on Sunday. So Ma and Jack plan, they are going to get out of Room. Dead. Truck. Run. Police. Save Ma. And Jack finds the courage to do it, he and Ma go to Grandma and Grandpa's, they get to live on their own in the real world, with cheeseburgers, a real track, and stores. Every aspect of this book can be questioned, because there is so much background information that we don’t know. What sparks my interest in this book is Old Nick or the captivator and Joy. …show more content…

During the book you often think about how it was for her, because the book is told from Jack’s point of view, you wonder how it was because she knew how wonderful the world is, she knew what Old Nick was doing was illegal. Even though this is a fiction story, situations like this happen all the time. According to a 2010 study, roughly 59,300 kids under the age of 18 are abducted every year, and I’m positive with the technology aspect of this world today that those numbers increase every year. Even though this number seems low in comparison to how many people there are in the world, it is way to high, things like this should not be happening. In the book, you worry about Joy, you want her to be comforted and even when she does come home she tries to commit suicide, unsuccessfully. With Joy, she sees seven of the worst years of her life destroyed, she won’t get to have fun at college on her twenty-first birthday, she won’t marry someone and then have kids. Unlike Jack who loved Room, he thought it was the best place ever, just him and Ma, he won’t feel like he missed out on anything. The other character that sparked my curiosity was Old

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