
Jacob And Rebekah Research Paper

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Jacob (born around 2000 BCE) was the grandson of Abraham, the son of Isaac and Rebekah and twin brother to Esau. Their family lived in Canaan, later called Israel, between modern-day Egypt and Syria. Jacob shepherded his father’s sheep and worked in the kitchen, before later working for his uncle Laban as shepherd and manager of his affairs. He married both his cousins, first Leah then Rachel and had twelve sons. Jacob died at a very old age in Egypt.
Isaac asked his first born Esau to hunt for a delicious meal for him, after which he would give him a special blessing which passes the promises of God (which had first been given to Abraham) from father to eldest son. However, Jacob disguised himself as Esau and made Isaac a delicious meal, and Isaac gave him the blessing instead. …show more content…

On the journey one night he dreams of a stairway from heaven to earth and God speaks to him. Jacob bargains with God, for food, clothes and safe travel, he will worship God henceforth. Jacob’s first wife Leah gives birth to six sons and a daughter who will found half the tribes of Israel. Jacob has another four sons by his wives’ maids and his second wife Rachel gives him two sons. This leaves him with twelve sons who later became forefathers of the twelve tribes of Israel. Jacob wanted to reunite with his family so he sent Esau a message asking for a kind welcome home, however Esau is heading towards them with a small army. Jacob divided up his family so that some may escape and begged God for protection. All night he wrestled with someone- a dark angel or his fear of death. The one wrestling with Jacob gave him the name ‘Israel’

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