Jacob (born around 2000 BCE) was the grandson of Abraham, the son of Isaac and Rebekah and twin brother to Esau. Their family lived in Canaan, later called Israel, between modern-day Egypt and Syria. Jacob shepherded his father’s sheep and worked in the kitchen, before later working for his uncle Laban as shepherd and manager of his affairs. He married both his cousins, first Leah then Rachel and had twelve sons. Jacob died at a very old age in Egypt.
Isaac asked his first born Esau to hunt for a delicious meal for him, after which he would give him a special blessing which passes the promises of God (which had first been given to Abraham) from father to eldest son. However, Jacob disguised himself as Esau and made Isaac a delicious meal, and Isaac gave him the blessing instead.
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On the journey one night he dreams of a stairway from heaven to earth and God speaks to him. Jacob bargains with God, for food, clothes and safe travel, he will worship God henceforth. Jacob’s first wife Leah gives birth to six sons and a daughter who will found half the tribes of Israel. Jacob has another four sons by his wives’ maids and his second wife Rachel gives him two sons. This leaves him with twelve sons who later became forefathers of the twelve tribes of Israel. Jacob wanted to reunite with his family so he sent Esau a message asking for a kind welcome home, however Esau is heading towards them with a small army. Jacob divided up his family so that some may escape and begged God for protection. All night he wrestled with someone- a dark angel or his fear of death. The one wrestling with Jacob gave him the name ‘Israel’
“Now Israel [Jacob] loved Joseph more than any of his other sons, because he had been born to him in his old age; and he made an ornate robe for him. When his brothers saw that their father loved him more than any of them, they hated him and could not speak a kind word to him” (Genesis 37: 3-4).
Joseph was one of the 12 sons fathered by Jacob. He was the first born son of Jacob and Rachel. Joseph was much younger than his brothers and highly loved and favored by his father. Jacob gave Joseph an ornate robe that displayed that nepotism. Joseph had some pretty momentous dreams when he was only 17 years old. His dreams indicated that his brothers were going to bow down to him. Joseph told his family of his dreams in an attempt to seek the meaning behind them. Jacob’s favoritism caused his sons to be jealous. Joseph’s brothers decided to sell him into slavery to an Egyptian man, named Potiphar. Joseph excelled at everything he did. Potiphar put Joseph in charge of his home. Joseph grew up to be a very handsome man. Potiphar’s wife coveted him, but Joseph would not commit sin against Potiphar or God, so the wife had him thrown in prison. He continued to exceed while in prison. He interpreted dreams for prisoners and eventually Pharaoh. Pharaoh gave Joseph authority over all the land and began storing food for the inevitable famine. This lead to Joseph’s family coming to ask for food
Two out of three people are discriminated everyday. “Giving someone equal rights does not infringe or take away rights from them, it just makes it illegal to enforce your prejudice and hate.” British statesman and philosopher Edmund Burke once said, “Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it.” He also said, “All that’s necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing.” During the Cherokee Indian Removal, the Cherokee Indians were forced to be removed by the U.S. troops because of discovery of gold leading them to be removed, and discrimination towards the Cherokees.
Joseph was the first born child of Rachel and because he was born to Jacob in his old age, Jacob loved Joseph more than his other sons and made Joseph a richly ornamented robe, therefore Joseph’s brothers hated him and could not speak a kind word to him. Joseph also had dreams that indicated that he would reign over his brothers and this caused more hatred toward him. His brothers were jealous of the love that he received from their father and because of his dreams. Consequently, Joseph’s brothers plotted to kill him but instead they sold him to some Ishmaelites that were passing through to Egypt.
Jacob is given the responsibility to protect the Island. When the two boys were young the mother told them that one day only one of them would be responsible to protect the Island, that boy ended up being Jacob. In both stories Envy and Jealousy play a role in the brothers relationship. In the Bible Esua is angry with Jacob and jealous he stole his blessing. Esua says, “’The time of mourning for my father will soon be here; then I am going to kill my brother Jacob’” (Genesis 27:41). Rebecca knows this and saves Jacob’s life by telling him to leave to Paddan-aram. Lost is very similar, the mother with power of Island makes it so both boys can never kill each other. Even though he is incapable of killing Jacob the Man in Black still has malice in his heart. He asked Jacob, “Do you have any idea how badly I want to kill you”(Abrams, Lieber, Lindelof. Lost. 2004-2010)? With Jealousy and the rivalry being born in both stories, the boys split into two nations just as God told Rebecca.
Another brother story in the Bible is that of Esau and Jacob. The prophecy of these brothers was that the younger would rule the elder. Esau was a hairy man that was skillful in the hunter – gatherer ways and Jacob was somewhat of a “mamas boy”. One day while their father Isaac was dying he told Esau that he would bless him. Jacob then deceitfully went into the place of his father and was blessed as if he was Esau. When Esau returned he was very upset and was going to kill his brother. Jacob fled and was out of touch with his brother for a long time. Then Jacob sent word to meet his brother again and heard that Esau followed by 400 men were coming to him. Afraid and distressed about what Esau might do, Jacob had a dream in which he wrestled with God and was there blessed. With the new name of Israel he met his brother Esau and gave him many gifts. Esau came to his bother in open arms not needing any gifts because the only gift he wanted was to see his brother. Again united Esau and Israel showed that being brothers was more important than any childhood feud.
Baby Jacob came out after Baby Esau by holding Esau's heel, so they called his name Jacob, which means "Heel Catcher" or "Supplanter". When they were on their mother's womb, the twin brothers were fighting a constant battle.
Joseph’s brothers traveled to Egypt to buy food, and there he revealed himself to his brothers and they apologized to him for what they did to him. Josephs forgave them and sent for his father Jacob and the rest of his
It was a Thursday Night, it was a full moon that lit up the whole sky. The baseball lights were shining down from the stadium which also helped lit the whole sky. His name was Jacoby and he was the star baseball player of the team and scholarships to play anywhere he wanted, everything was going right in his life, until this night. After the game was over, his best friend, Giles, rode home with Jacoby. They were driving down the road, through the forest. The trees were very tall and very thick and green, they get a lot of rain and snow in Montana which makes everything grow. As they were driving, they saw this strange looking think on the side of the rode and as they got closer it started to stand up and was they go really close it got up and
They named the twins Esau and Jacob. Esau was conceived to start with, yet Jacob turned into Rebekah's top choice. At the point when the young men grew up, Jacob deceived his older sibling into offering his birthright for a dish of stew. Later, as Isaac was passing on and his vision had fizzled, Rebekah helped Jacob swindle Isaac into blessing him rather than Esau. She put goatskins staring Jacob in the face and neck to impersonate Esau's shaggy skin. At the point when Isaac touched it, he blessed Jacob, supposing it was truly Esau.
Joseph began his life as the favorite son of Jacob who tended to the flocks as a shepherd.3 These humble beginnings foreshadow how one day Joseph will tend to the Seed of the Woman during times of famine in the land by giving food to this eleven brothers. Jacob, who was the son of Isaac, had eleven other sons who were jealous of the special attention that Joseph received. In fact, they hated him and could not speak a kind word to him.4 Joseph had a dream that predicted that Joseph would one day reign over his older brothers. This upset his brothers and they tricked Joseph by selling him into slavery. Joseph was then taken to Egypt where he was sold to Potiphar and became a servant in
While Jacob makes his way to Haran, God finally decides to introduce Himself to Jacob. God speaks to Jacob for the first time in a dream, during which He tells Jacob that, “I am the Lord, the God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac...I am with you and will keep you wherever you go...I will not leave you until I have done [the promises] of which I have spoken to you” (Gen 28:15). Interacting with Jacob through a dream and telling him that God will keep him instills within Jacob a sense of security. Jacob can continue on his journey without worry, although he has yet to receive other aspects from the blessings, God stays with him and God will keep him. This security becomes clearer when Jacob wakes up and makes a vow saying, “If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go...then the Lord shall be my God…”(Gen 28:20-21). Jacob’s vow not only shares an interesting imitative similarity to the promise made by God in the dream, but more importantly, Jacob refers to God in a possessive way. By referring to God possessively, as “my God”, it might suggest that Jacob has had a sudden insight, and now sees God differently. In other words, Jacob has experienced God, the same God as his ancestors, and perhaps now realizes that even in what seems like an ordinary place where one might just lay down to rest, God’s presence has stayed and will continue to stay with
While It was his father's and brother's decisions that made Joseph fulfill his destiny in Egypt , Jacob's behavior leads to conflicts in his family. Joseph is given preference over the rest of his brothers, and he is awarded with a tunic that makes his father's position towards the rest very clear..
Jacob had always been trying to seek a life that didn’t involve God. The wrestling with God plays a big part in his overall character. This is true because, when Jacob wrestles with God he comes to him. Jacob came to God because he realized that he couldn’t choose his own destiny and get there with out God. While he was wresting with God, “If the wrestler is unable to overcome Jacob spiritually, it is because Jacob is not willing to yield. Only when the man threatens to go without offering assurances of God’s help does Jacob show his willingness to negotiate in the critical issues.” (Walton 605). Jacob so desperately wants God, he is clinging to him. Although, he is very stubborn before he submits himself to God he wants a blessing from him, “Jacob’s willingness to submit
One of the inherent conflicts in the story of Joseph is the tension between Joseph and his brothers. The tension between them is caused by both Jacob and Joseph. First, Jacob shows favoritism toward Joseph, because he is the son of his favorite wife Rachel. Second, Joseph brings back bad reports when he is out pasturing with his brothers. However, what truly increased the hatred and jealousy was the Joseph’s dreams. The author notes that when Joseph recounts the dreams, “they hated him even more (Gen. 37:8).” Their jealousy for Joseph is strong enough that they are willing to murder him. However, they decide to instead sell him into slavery, and convince Jacob that he was killed.