
Jacob Lawrence's Painting The Long Journey

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protest against how the Barrack Obama administration ways of detaining them in quarters with army beds and rooms surrounded with cages. Not the only problem with the Immigration from act, other problems include with the number of immigrants that are actually going too benefited from and states that only half of immigrants would qualify from the deportation relief program.
Furthermore there has been many films that portray the American dream of many immigrants from many points of viewpoints on the treatment, the type of job that can be achieve and hardships that they pass through to be where they are now. Many great’s films portray the many ways of different ethnic group’s struggles to have a better life, but when we hear immigration we always …show more content…

All of his sixty paintings show that African American in the south had a hardship of work, the long journey that African Americans take to reach their destination and sadness of leaving their home and the new life that awaited. In the painting that shows the hardship of works it shows the sadness of their face and some of them with their heads and back forward and carrying baskets loads of product. The painting of the Long journey shows African Americans walking through dry fields as sunset is setting and in the new life painting it shows a family looking out through a train with happiness in their face as they see new land. This reflects to the many immigrants that are coming from different parts of the world presently and seeing new opportunities and with leaving there is a purpose and take a long journey such as Nayo and Milto in the film Wet Backs : The Undocumented documentary for the new life that was before them. But there are struggles that were portrayed in this series of panting being that on one painting it had a group of people mistreating and beating an African American. There was also racial injustice with cops and the people of the U.S have seen many stories still happening presently with many deportations and this connects to the Arizona policy to deport as many as one-hundred thousand undocumented

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