After being unconscious for I don’t how long, I awoke. My brain feels like someone is pounding it with a mallet from the inside. The only time I’ve ever had a headache this bad was when I fell from the rooftops the first time I tried to jump. My head had connected with the steel piping and I woke up in the alley four hours later with a killer headache that didn’t go away for two days. I cautiously open my eyes prepared for the searing pain of light. I don’t know whether to be glad or disappointed that there is a sack over my head, keeping me in the dark and oblivion. My feelings are left undecided when someone rips the sack from my head, exposing me to a dim light that still makes my head throb. A woman stands in front of me, about forty years old with brown hair streaked with gray and a face that once might have been pretty. We are in a small room that can’t be from the Town for the ceiling isn’t drooping. It looks like some sort of jail cell. …show more content…
“Bring him in,” she says over her shoulder to the girl who I’d forgotten was there. The girl sighs and stands up straight, pulling open the sole door in my jail cell. A man enters and I immediately recognize him. It’s the suede jacket man. The one I’d stolen from the night before. Was it the night before? A day ago? Two? I can’t remember. All I know was that the man was staring daggers at me while he walked or rather squeezed his thick shape through the narrow door frame.
The man stops in front of me and for a second I’m scared he might just kill me with two other people in the room. Alyssa puts a hand on the man’s shoulder and speaks to me.
“Isaac, this is Robert. He says you took something from him the other night,” she says in a tone that one might use for an insolent child that has done something wrong and needs to be asked to apologize. I nod once, a greeting and a confirmation as to what I had done.
The anger in Robert’s eyes just moments before is replaced with
“Breaking news-,” the telecaster’s voice echoed throughout my Upper East Side bungalow, “-mental hospital reports a missing person's alert. The individual is a patient at Curtley Sanitarium in Winchester Bay, Oregon and has been labeled as extremely aggressive and dangerous. The patient is male with brown hair and hazel eyes and is about 6’2”, 190 lbs. He was last seen on October 24 and wearing light green hospital gown. If you see an individual matching this description, we urge you to contact (541) 853-5829 and to avoid contact with him at all costs.” I stopped folding my laundry and padded across my floor into the kitchen to take a look at the missing person, however there was no photo shown on the screen. I was eerily intrigued about the
Loraine put the remote down and redirected her attention back to me. “Can’t you see that I haven’t done anything, Lucy?” she remarks with a smile beginning to creep across her face, “You’ve always been the one doing unspeakable things; as far as anyone else knows, I don’t exist.” Hot tears are forming in the corners of my eyes, but I blink quickly to fight them off.
“ Jimmy and I met at a dinner about twenty one years ago today.” stated Bob
Leonard Peltier is a Native American man currently imprisoned for crimes he did not commit. Peltier is currently serving time in Leavenworth, Kansas, and it is likely that he will live the rest of his life in prison. Examining Peltier’s experiences through several different community systems frameworks will push human service professionals to help not only individuals but whole communities as well. In particular, the ecological systems theory, historical trauma, and the theory of social capital are helpful in making sense of Peltier’s experiences, and seeing them not as random events but as the culmination of years of mistreatment, oppression, and marginalization.
In today’s society annual African American reading levels continue to be lower than other races. There are connections between literacy levels and prisons. There are beliefs that there’s a correlation between prisons beds built based off African American 3rd grade reading test scores. It’s predicted that based on 3rd grade test scores, students reading below grade level will eventually drop out of school, engage in criminal activity, and ultimately be incarcerated at some time in their lives. The concern is if this matter is not addressed, there will be continuous growth of imprisonment, increasing numbers of single parents households (low income homes), more children not growing up to maximize their full potential, and less leaders to guide
It’s on the hill by the seaside, the clinic. The place that stole my freedom, my sanity.
The first thing you felt was the softness of something beneath you, and the warmness of what you assumed was sunlight on your tan skin. Sitting up very slowly, you examined the space around you to find what was so soft below your outstretched legs. Golden flowers grew out of the cracked stone ground, shining a yellowish hue that seemed to make them even more beautiful than they already were. The sunlight that lit up part of the room you were currently residing in came from a distant hole in the rocky roof hanging high above you. Groggily, you stood up.
The United States Department of Justice has come forth with a statement that they will end the use of private prisons. Sally Yates, the Deputy Attorney General, stated that she has sent a communication to instruct prison officials not to renew any contracts with operators of private prisons or for the diminished use of contracts with already exist. This is the beginning of the process intended to cut and eventually end the use of prisons which are privately operated.
The poor conditions and treatment of being imprisoned gave the group solidarity of the prisoners. They began to work together to rebel against the guards on day two fighting to conform to the authority of the guards. They ripped off their identification numbers, barricaded themselves in their cells and took off their stocking caps that they were forced to wear (“The Story” n. d.).
In the United States the penal system is developed under two separate systems. One is the Auburn system and the second is the Pennsylvania system. The current system in the United States for solitary confinement was taken from the Pennsylvania model which was built for isolation and seclusion solitary confinement was used as an alternative form of punishment but at the time it was meant to provide a prisoner with solitude “to reflect on his misdeeds” It was used to help the prisoner repent, and restore his relationship with God.
For as long as well could remember it had been that way. We had worked in a dark, damp basement from first light to last kneading dough and rolling it into buns. A long narrow window lined the wall, with its panes caked in an impenetrable layer of flour dust, with the sun struggling to pierce its way through the stone prison. The bricked area where we worked, a cracking, green and mouldy mass, which was only ever illuminated by the great oven sitting in the corner with its single flickering light. I tried to inhale, before puffing out gasps of dust. As we moved through this dungeon, we were strangled by the weight of the low, soot-stained, cobwebbed ceiling which hung like a storm cloud overhead.
I opened my eyes and a yellow light on the ceiling greeted me with a bright stare. I rolled myself out of the bed with a slight groan and my back started complaining by cracking in different places like firecrackers.
Solitary confinement is exactly what the name implies: complete isolation from human contact in a small, enclosed room. Inmates can be put in solitary confinement for various reasons such as breaking rules, fighting with other inmates, or as an attempt to protect that inmate. Various court cases have addressed solitary confinement in terms of the Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution. While the courts have not deemed solitary confinement unconstitutional, it has worked to limit the use of it as a punishment. Many studies have seen various side effects of solitary confinement, including hallucination, self-mutilation, suicide attempts, etc. These effects are seen in prisoners of all ages. Because this isolation is so detrimental,
This article discusses different aspects and articles pertaining to prisons offering reading and writing to their inmates. Given the opportunity for reading and writing in prison could offer a positive affect and help reconstruct their lives. This could be a potential transformation for those on the “inside” as well as those going in as facilitators, as they are university students being given this opportunity and experience (1). However, there are those who disagree with this stance as it is seen as a “fun” activity for inmates who shouldn’t be enjoying anything as they are there to receive their punishment. Another raising concern is how will this work with the overcrowding and understaffing due to budget cuts. Among all the referred articles
Prison Camps was something that few people could take on. During the beginning of the war, the Salisbury Prison Camp, in North Carolina, was one of the few camps that wasn’t terrible to the prisoners. Prisoners didn’t get 5 course meals, but they got enough to live off of. Men were allowed to play baseball for fun and it wasn’t that dirty, but it was definitely not squeaky clean!