Jake Levy had, even after sending his ‘opus’ kept expecting his mother to make some effort to contact him. He practiced how he would reject her. As the months passed there was no contact. He was not totally surprised when his next birthday passed without an ecard. He assumed she’d catch up Maybe go and spend a few bucks on a paper card. Maybe send him a gift. Nothing. The next year he was sure she would send an ecard with some blah blah. He searched his email account all day, and the next. Nothing. He shrugged his shoulders. So what? I don’t care. Then, five years had passed. Five years... and not a single word from his mother. He hadn’t seen nor heard from her or about her in those years. He made a few random calls. No one had seen her. He decided to pass by her house, see if …show more content…
As he came up the block he saw three little kids playing in the front yard. He stopped the car, stared. He knew the house like his hand middle. This had to be the house. Who were those people? Jake came out of the car and stood looking at the children, at the house, which was different somehow.
A man, a few years younger than he, came up; “Can I help you?” he said in a voice directed to a child molester. “My mother lives here....” “Your mother? Since when? We’ve been here since the little one was born....” Jake stood and stared, then turned back to the speaker; “Who did you buy this house from?” “Vintage Realtors. And I’d like you to leave.” “My mother lived here...I....I don’t ....” “Are you okay? Look, I bought it from Vintage. I don’t know who lived here before. You check with them...okay?” Jake got into the car. He was alert enough to appreciate the homeowner would call the police, so drove up the road, forgetting that it was a cul-de-sac. He didn’t want to pass the house again so took a turn, and another, so as to get out of the neighborhood and to somewhere
Setup The author says that the girl wants to see her brother. Evidence "I wanted to see my brother. He's with the government survey crew on Woden and I haven't seen him for ten years, not since he left Earth to go into government survey work." Explain
There were about 9 houses in our cul de sac, so with that many people, someone should know who the mysterious neighbor is right? Nope, no one knew who the neighbor was, even the families that had lived there for decades. Just like Jem and Scout going to Atticus to ask about Boo, Zoe and I went to our mother to ask who the person was that lived in the house. Our mother said to not bother them or we’d get into huge trouble, which only grew more curiosity to our minds. When peaking around the window at the dead of night, the old brown mustang in the neighbor’s driveway would
"About two weeks later, she sends me a message online, and says "I saw [the unamed producer] at Sony Studios. I knew he would probably be there, so I went to his office and personally delivered a Tiffany box wrapped with a white bow."
“Looks like they’re gone. You get on out of here and get yourself home. I’ll be watching from the window so you’ll be alright.”
Jake’s eyes darted from one relative to the other. “Gentlemen, any notion you have about a relationship between me and Miss Collins is a simple misunderstanding.”
“I got up, ran outside, started yelling his name, asking around. And there were two guys here, both working on their cars, jumping their cars.”
That was, after he’d stopped laughing. Oh, what a sight it had been, even from this distance, through a pair of binoculars, and without sound, it had been obvious that the Detective had really been into the little scene he’d engineered, how Lila Ross, not quite as much. A smile remained on his face, and the laughing fit recommenced when he saw the Detective stop the car to throw up, and idly wondered where he was off to at this time of the night. Maybe they’d discovered the little surprise he’d planted when communication with Jennifer Williams. Oh, weren’t they going to be pissed when they discovered that email address led to a wheel-chair bound octogenarian, and he had to take a deep breath before his fingers were steady enough to compose a
He ran and ran. After a while he stopped and didn't know where he was.
When Sal’s mother left Bybanks for Lewiston, Sal did not want to believe that she left. She made excuses such as “ would she leave this chicken? She loves this chicken.” To cover up the fact that she couldn't of just left. She began to think that her mother
He lived across the road but the distance between them grew as her story
She peered through the door to see her fellow friends, her suitcase hid behind her as she felt adrenaline run throughout her. She had finished the drawing of her car a few nights ago, and the day for the competition had already arrived. Who were they? Who was
He stared talking about the yellow car. He told about his wife coming home from the
At his driveway, C.E. Mason bailed out of the car, which he left parked on the street next to his driveway.
He picked a small home, with a nice fence, it was not a part of town that he would normally be found in, but well this wasn't the normal time. He opened the fence quietly as he slipped low moving into the backyard of the home. He knew going to the front door would draw far to much attention. He wondered into the yard looking at the lights, staying hidden from view
He watch to see when she was leaving the house, and follow her and pass her quietly. They didn't