
Jake Lesh Character Analysis

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The comical play The Liar by Pierre Corneille is built from nothing but as the play unravels it grows to be of brilliance and full of chaos. The Liar tells a story of a character that consistently lies in a spur of a moment, creating misassumptions, jumbled truths, and false identities, which drive the whole plot of the play. Throughout the play, I was impressed by the performance of Sunny Smith, as Isabelle and Sabine, in her role of playing two contrasting dispositions, and also of Jake Lesh, as Dorante, due to his persuasive manner and language throughout the play; however, in some aspects Jake Lesh faulted.
At my first glance at the program I noticed two characters, twins, under one cast member’s name and I thought about the difficulty and …show more content…

Consistently, Lesh spoke in verse that rhymed iambic pentameter throughout the play. By Lesh using his voice as a tool Lesh connected himself to the setting of the play, 17th century France, while also it added a comical sense since he rhymed all his phrases, such as “Lying is an art. The truth is a fart”. Personally, by rhyming all the words Lesh portrayed his character to be mischievous and added a modern spin since he used slang. Since Lesh used outrageous clever verse in such a fast pace while also using exaggerated movements with gestures I find him to be a brilliant performer especially with all the multi-tasking and targeting every emotion undoubtedly. For example, the first scene where Lesh is introduced to Abele he instantly created a new identity for himself, stating his story that he was in the military and fought in Germany. However, through this scene he used exaggerated body movements by jumping and raising his arms and voice, filled with gestures and detailed false descriptions, like using food sexually to talk to Abele, which all connect to the role Lesh is portraying – to act cheeky and have a fantastic comedic

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